libreoffice-still 24.2.7-2
Package Actions
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Galaxy |
Split Packages: | |
Description: | LibreOffice maintenance branch |
Homepage: | |
License(s): | LGPL-3.0-or-later, MPL-2.0 |
Provides: | |
Conflicts: | |
Reverse Conflicts: | |
Package Size: | 147.7 MB |
Installed Size: | 413.4 MB |
Last Packager: | Thiago O Calsolari <> |
Build Date: | 2024-11-11 20:42 UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-11 21:59 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-11-12 15:01 UTC |
Dependencies (187)
- argon2
- boost-libs (virtual)
- cairo
- clucene
- curl>=7.20.0
- dbus
- desktop-file-utils
- expat
- fontconfig
- freetype2
- gcc-libs
- glib2
- glibc
- gpgme
- graphite
- harfbuzz-icu
- hicolor-icon-theme
- hunspell>=1.2.8
- hyphen
- icu
- lcms2
- libabw
- libatomic_ops
- libcdr
- libcmis
- libcups
- libe-book (virtual)
- libepoxy
- libepubgen
- libetonyek
- libexttextcat
- libfreehand
- libgl (libglvnd)
- libjpeg-turbo
- liblangtag
- libldap
- libmspub
- libmwaw
- libnumbertext
- libodfgen
- liborcus
- libpagemaker
- libpng
- libqxp
- librevenge
- libstaroffice
- libtiff
- libtommath
- libvisio
- libwebp
- libwpd>=0.9.2
- libwps
- libx11
- libxext
- libxinerama
- libxml2
- libxrandr
- libxslt
- libzmf
- lpsolve
- neon>=0.28.6
- nspr
- nss
- openjpeg2
- pango
- poppler
- python
- raptor
- redland
- sh (bash)
- shared-mime-info
- xdg-utils
- xmlsec
- zlib
- zxing-cpp
- beanshell (optional) - interactive java -- good for prototyping/macros
- coin-or-mp (optional) - required by the Calc solver
- gst-plugins-base-libs (optional) - for multimedia content, e.g. in Impress
- gtk3 (optional) - for GTK3 integration
- gtk4 (optional) - for GTK4 integration (experimental)
- java-environment>=17 (jdk-openjdk, jdk11-openjdk, jdk17-openjdk, jdk21-openjdk, jdk8-openjdk) (optional) - required by extension-wiki-publisher and extension-nlpsolver
- java-runtime (jdk-openjdk, jdk11-openjdk, jdk17-openjdk, jdk21-openjdk, jre-openjdk, jre11-openjdk, jre17-openjdk, jre21-openjdk, jre8-openjdk) (optional) - adds java support
- libmythes (optional) - for use in thesaurus
- libpaper (optional) - takes care of papersize
- libwpg (optional) - library for importing and converting WordPerfect Graphics format
- mariadb-libs (optional) - for mysql-connector
- postgresql-libs (optional) - for postgresql-connector
- pstoedit (virtual) (optional) - translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
- qt6-base (optional) - for Qt6 desktop integration
- sane (optional) - for scanner access
- unixodbc (optional) - adds ODBC database support
- abseil-cpp (make)
- ant (make)
- beanshell (make)
- bluez-libs (make)
- boost (make)
- clang (make)
- clucene (make)
- coin-or-mp (make)
- cppunit (make)
- curl>=7.20.0 (make)
- dbus-glib (make)
- doxygen (make)
- gcc-libs (make)
- gdb (make)
- git (make)
- glm (make)
- gobject-introspection (virtual) (make)
- gperf (make)
- gpgme (make)
- graphite (make)
- gst-plugins-base-libs (make)
- gtk3 (make)
- gtk4 (make)
- harfbuzz-icu (make)
- hicolor-icon-theme (make)
- hunspell>=1.2.8 (make)
- hyphen (make)
- icu (make)
- java-environment=17 (jdk-openjdk, jdk11-openjdk, jdk17-openjdk, jdk21-openjdk, jdk8-openjdk) (make)
- kconfig (make)
- kcoreaddons (make)
- kcoreaddons (make)
- ki18n (make)
- kio (make)
- kwindowsystem (make)
- lcms2 (make)
- libabw (make)
- libatomic_ops (make)
- libcdr (make)
- libcmis (make)
- libe-book (virtual) (make)
- libepubgen (make)
- libetonyek (make)
- libexttextcat (make)
- libffi (make)
- libfreehand (make)
- libgl (libglvnd) (make)
- libgl (libglvnd) (make)
- libjpeg-turbo (make)
- liblangtag (make)
- libmspub (make)
- libmwaw (make)
- libmythes (make)
- libnumbertext (make)
- libodfgen (make)
- liborcus (make)
- libpagemaker (make)
- libqxp (make)
- libstaroffice (make)
- libtommath (make)
- libvisio (make)
- libwebp (make)
- libwpd>=0.9.2 (make)
- libwpg (make)
- libwps (make)
- libxinerama (make)
- libxrandr (make)
- libxslt (make)
- libzmf (make)
- lpsolve (make)
- mariadb-libs (make)
- mdds (make)
- neon>=0.28.6 (make)
- nspr (make)
- nss (make)
- pango (make)
- perl-archive-zip (make)
- poppler (make)
- postgresql-libs (make)
- python (make)
- python-setuptools (make)
- qt5-base (make)
- qt5-x11extras (make)
- qt6-base (make)
- redland (make)
- rxvt-unicode (make)
- sane (make)
- sh (bash) (make)
- ttf-carlito (make)
- ttf-dejavu (make)
- ttf-liberation (make)
- unixodbc (make)
- unzip (make)
- xmlsec (make)
- zip (make)
- zxing-cpp (make)
Required By (126)
- libreoffice-extension-texmaths (requires libreoffice)
- libreoffice-extension-writer2latex (requires libreoffice)
- libreoffice-still-af
- libreoffice-still-am
- libreoffice-still-ar
- libreoffice-still-as
- libreoffice-still-ast
- libreoffice-still-be
- libreoffice-still-bg
- libreoffice-still-bn
- libreoffice-still-bn-in
- libreoffice-still-bo
- libreoffice-still-br
- libreoffice-still-brx
- libreoffice-still-bs
- libreoffice-still-ca
- libreoffice-still-ca-valencia
- libreoffice-still-ckb
- libreoffice-still-cs
- libreoffice-still-cy
- libreoffice-still-da
- libreoffice-still-de
- libreoffice-still-dgo
- libreoffice-still-dsb
- libreoffice-still-dz
- libreoffice-still-el
- libreoffice-still-en-gb
- libreoffice-still-en-za
- libreoffice-still-eo
- libreoffice-still-es
- libreoffice-still-et
- libreoffice-still-eu
- libreoffice-still-fa
- libreoffice-still-fi
- libreoffice-still-fr
- libreoffice-still-fur
- libreoffice-still-fy
- libreoffice-still-ga
- libreoffice-still-gd
- libreoffice-still-gl
- libreoffice-still-gu
- libreoffice-still-gug
- libreoffice-still-he
- libreoffice-still-hi
- libreoffice-still-hr
- libreoffice-still-hsb
- libreoffice-still-hu
- libreoffice-still-id
- libreoffice-still-is
- libreoffice-still-it
- libreoffice-still-ja
- libreoffice-still-ka
- libreoffice-still-kab
- libreoffice-still-kk
- libreoffice-still-km
- libreoffice-still-kmr-latn
- libreoffice-still-kn
- libreoffice-still-ko
- libreoffice-still-kok
- libreoffice-still-ks
- libreoffice-still-lb
- libreoffice-still-lo
- libreoffice-still-lt
- libreoffice-still-lv
- libreoffice-still-mai
- libreoffice-still-mk
- libreoffice-still-ml
- libreoffice-still-mn
- libreoffice-still-mni
- libreoffice-still-mr
- libreoffice-still-my
- libreoffice-still-nb
- libreoffice-still-ne
- libreoffice-still-nl
- libreoffice-still-nn
- libreoffice-still-nr
- libreoffice-still-nso
- libreoffice-still-oc
- libreoffice-still-om
- libreoffice-still-or
- libreoffice-still-pa-in
- libreoffice-still-pl
- libreoffice-still-pt
- libreoffice-still-pt-br
- libreoffice-still-ro
- libreoffice-still-ru
- libreoffice-still-rw
- libreoffice-still-sa-in
- libreoffice-still-sat
- libreoffice-still-sd
- libreoffice-still-sdk
- libreoffice-still-si
- libreoffice-still-sid
- libreoffice-still-sk
- libreoffice-still-sl
- libreoffice-still-sq
- libreoffice-still-sr
- libreoffice-still-sr-latn
- libreoffice-still-ss
- libreoffice-still-st
- libreoffice-still-sv
- libreoffice-still-sw-tz
- libreoffice-still-szl
- libreoffice-still-ta
- libreoffice-still-te
- libreoffice-still-tg
- libreoffice-still-th
- libreoffice-still-tn
- libreoffice-still-tr
- libreoffice-still-ts
- libreoffice-still-tt
- libreoffice-still-ug
- libreoffice-still-uk
- libreoffice-still-uz
- libreoffice-still-ve
- libreoffice-still-vec
- libreoffice-still-vi
- libreoffice-still-xh
- libreoffice-still-zh-cn
- libreoffice-still-zh-tw
- libreoffice-still-zu
- unoconv (requires libreoffice)
- efl (requires libreoffice) (optional)
- ktextaddons (requires libreoffice) (optional)
- nemo (requires libreoffice) (optional)
- sushi (requires libreoffice) (optional)