qt5-base 5.15.16+kde+r130-3
Package Actions
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | world |
Split Packages: | |
Description: | A cross-platform application and UI framework |
Homepage: | https://www.qt.io |
License(s): | FDL, GPL3, LGPL3, custom |
Groups: | qt5 |
Conflicts: | |
Package Size: | 13.0 MB |
Installed Size: | 63.1 MB |
Last Packager: | artist <[email protected]> |
Build Date: | 2024-11-24 16:07 UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-24 16:14 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-10 07:33 UTC |
Dependencies (42)
- double-conversion
- fontconfig
- libcups
- libgl (libglvnd)
- libinput
- libjpeg-turbo
- libproxy
- libxi
- libxkbcommon-x11
- libxrender
- md4c
- mesa
- qt5-translations
- shared-mime-info
- sqlite
- tslib
- xcb-util-image
- xcb-util-keysyms
- xcb-util-renderutil
- xcb-util-wm
- xdg-utils
- freetds (optional) - MS SQL driver
- gtk3 (optional) - GTK platform plugin
- libfbclient (optional) - Firebird/iBase driver
- mariadb-libs (optional) - MariaDB driver
- perl (optional) - for fixqt4headers and syncqt
- postgresql-libs (optional) - PostgreSQL driver
- qt5-svg (optional) - to use SVG icon themes
- qt5-wayland (optional) - to run Qt applications in a Wayland session
- unixodbc (optional) - ODBC driver
- alsa-lib (make)
- cups (make)
- freetds (make)
- git (make)
- gst-plugins-base-libs (make)
- gtk3 (make)
- libfbclient (make)
- libpulse (make)
- mariadb-libs (make)
- postgresql-libs (make)
- unixodbc (make)
- vulkan-headers (make)
Required By (211)
- android-file-transfer
- appstream-qt5
- artikulate
- attica5
- avidemux-qt
- avogadrolibs-qt5
- bluez-qt5
- breeze5
- cervisia
- fceux
- fcitx-mozc
- fcitx-qt5
- futuresql-qt5
- gimp-plugin-gmic
- grantlee
- gst-plugin-qmlgl
- highlight-gui
- kalzium
- kamoso
- karchive5
- kcalendarcore5
- kcodecs5
- kcolorpicker-qt5
- kconfig5
- kcoreaddons5
- kdnssd5
- kdsoap-qt5
- kholidays5
- kig
- kimageannotator-qt5
- kimageformats5
- kio5-extras
- kirigami-addons5
- kitemmodels5
- kitemviews5
- kmymoney
- konsolepart5
- kotatogram-desktop-git
- kplotting5
- kqtquickcharts
- kquickimageeditor5
- krename
- krita
- ksanecore5
- kseexpr
- kstars
- ktextaddons5
- ktouch
- kvantum-qt5
- kwayland-integration
- kwidgetsaddons5
- libdbusmenu-qt5
- libkcddb5
- libkdcraw5
- libkexiv2-qt5
- libksane5
- liblightdm-qt5
- libopenshot
- libportal-qt5
- libqaccessibilityclient-qt5
- maliit-framework
- mgba-qt
- minuet
- modemmanager-qt5
- molequeue
- mumble
- mumble-server
- networkmanager-qt5
- okteta
- okularpart5
- openshot
- oxygen5
- packagekit-qt5
- pacmanlogviewer
- phonon-qt5
- phonon-qt5-vlc
- plasma5-integration
- polkit-qt5
- poppler-qt5
- ppsspp
- projectm-pulseaudio
- python-pyqt5
- qca-qt5
- qcoro-qt5
- qcustomplot
- qgis
- qgit
- qgpgme-qt5
- qhexedit2
- qownnotes
- qscintilla-qt5
- qt5-charts
- qt5-connectivity
- qt5-datavis3d
- qt5-declarative
- qt5-doc
- qt5-gamepad
- qt5-imageformats
- qt5-lottie
- qt5-multimedia
- qt5-networkauth
- qt5-purchasing
- qt5-remoteobjects
- qt5-script
- qt5-sensors
- qt5-serialport
- qt5-styleplugins
- qt5-svg
- qt5-tools
- qt5-websockets
- qt5-x11extras
- qt5-xcb-private-headers
- qt5-xmlpatterns
- qt5ct
- qt5pas
- qtkeychain-qt5
- quassel-client
- quassel-client-qt
- quassel-monolithic
- quassel-monolithic-qt
- quazip-qt5
- qwt
- retroarch
- rocs
- scribus
- simplescreenrecorder
- smplayer
- snorenotify
- solid5
- sonnet5
- sqlitebrowser
- stellarsolver
- step
- syntax-highlighting5
- threadweaver5
- transmission3-qt
- umbrello
- vlc
- wxwidgets-qt5
- apitrace (optional)
- avahi (optional)
- avidemux-cli (optional)
- freetype2-demos (optional)
- gmic (optional)
- gpsd (optional)
- gwenhywfar (optional)
- libde265 (optional)
- libindi (optional)
- mlt (optional)
- openal (optional)
- openimageio (optional)
- suil (optional)
- thrift (optional)
- apitrace (make)
- avahi (make)
- avidemux (make)
- fcitx-qt5 (make)
- fcitx5-qt (make)
- freetype2 (make)
- futuresql (make)
- gmic (make)
- gpsd (make)
- gstreamer (make)
- gwenhywfar (make)
- highlight (make)
- ibus (make)
- kcolorpicker (make)
- kdsoap (make)
- kquickimageeditor5 (make)
- ktextaddons (make)
- libdbusmenu-qt5 (make)
- libde265 (make)
- libibus (make)
- libindi (make)
- libkdcraw (make)
- libkexiv2 (make)
- libksane5 (make)
- liblightdm-qt5 (make)
- libportal (make)
- libqaccessibilityclient (make)
- libreoffice-fresh (make)
- libreoffice-fresh-sdk (make)
- libreoffice-still (make)
- libreoffice-still-sdk (make)
- libtransmission3 (make)
- libvlc (make)
- lightdm (make)
- openal (make)
- opencascade (make)
- openimageio (make)
- packagekit-qt (make)
- phonon (make)
- plasma-integration (make)
- plasma-workspace-wallpapers (make)
- plasma5-integration (make)
- polkit-qt (make)
- poppler (make)
- ppsspp (make)
- projectm (make)
- qca (make)
- qgpgme-qt5 (make)
- quassel (make)
- quazip (make)
- sddm (make)
- suil (make)
- thrift (make)
- transmission (make)
- vlc (make)
- vtk (make)
- wxwidgets (make)
- meson (check)