gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-2
Package Actions
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | World |
Split Packages: | |
Description: | An image loading library |
Homepage: | |
License(s): | LGPL-2.0-or-later |
Provides: | |
Package Size: | 519.0 KB |
Installed Size: | 3.0 MB |
Last Packager: | Dudemanguy <> |
Build Date: | 2024-10-05 14:31 UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | 2024-10-05 14:33 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-10-05 15:00 UTC |
Dependencies (19)
- glib2
- glibc
- libjpeg-turbo
- libpng
- libtiff
- shared-mime-info
- libavif (optional) - Load .avif
- libheif (optional) - Load .heif, .heic, and .avif
- libjxl (optional) - Load .jxl
- libopenraw (optional) - Load .dng, .cr2, .crw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .arw, .erf, .mrw, and .raf
- librsvg (optional) - Load .svg, .svgz, and .svg.gz
- libwmf (optional) - Load .wmf and .apm
- webp-pixbuf-loader (optional) - Load .webp
- gi-docgen (make)
- git (make)
- glib2-devel (make)
- gobject-introspection (virtual) (make)
- meson (make)
- python-docutils (make)
Required By (152)
- accerciser
- alacarte
- appstream
- appstream-glib
- audacity
- awesome
- calf
- clutter-gst
- cogl
- dunst
- easytag
- emacs (requires
- emacs-nativecomp (requires
- emacs-wayland (requires
- eog
- epiphany
- evince
- evolution
- fcitx5
- firefox
- firefox-esr
- flatpak
- fractal
- gala
- gcr
- gdk-pixbuf-xlib (requires
- gdm
- geary
- gedit
- gegl
- ghostscript
- gimp
- gnome-applets
- gnome-boxes
- gnome-builder
- gnome-color-manager
- gnome-connections
- gnome-contacts
- gnome-control-center
- gnome-desktop
- gnome-desktop-4
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-epub-thumbnailer
- gnome-games
- gnome-initial-setup
- gnome-music
- gnome-panel
- gnome-recipes
- gnome-shell
- gnome-software
- gnome-system-monitor
- granite
- granite7
- greetd-regreet
- gst-plugins-good
- gtk-update-icon-cache
- gtk-vnc
- gtk2
- gtk3
- gtk3-demos
- gtk4
- gtk4-demos
- gtkmm-4.0
- gtksourceview5
- hexchat
- ibus
- inkscape
- lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
- libcheese
- libdmapsharing
- libgedit-gtksourceview
- libgpod
- libgsf
- libhandy
- libmediaart
- libnotify
- libopenraw
- librewolf
- librsvg
- libshumate
- libsixel
- libwnck (requires
- libwnck3
- lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
- mako
- mat2
- meld
- mint-x-icons
- mintlocale
- mtr-gtk (requires
- mutter
- mutter46
- nautilus
- openslide
- pamac
- plank
- pqiv
- profanity-gtk
- qemu-ui-gtk (requires
- retro-gtk
- rygel
- seahorse
- simple-scan
- spice-gtk
- steam
- strawberry
- sushi
- sway
- swaybg
- swaylock
- system-config-printer
- thunderbird
- thunderbird (testing)
- totem
- transmageddon
- tumbler
- vlc
- vte3
- vte4
- webkit2gtk
- webkit2gtk-4.1
- webkitgtk-6.0
- webp-pixbuf-loader
- wofi
- wxwidgets-gtk3
- xdg-desktop-portal
- xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
- xscreensaver
- libjxl (optional)
- libwmf (optional)
- mlt (optional)
- python-cairocffi (optional)
- qt6-base (optional)
- arc-gtk-theme (make)
- audacity (make)
- gom (make)
- gstreamer (make)
- libavif (make)
- libheif (make)
- libjxl (make)
- libvlc (make)
- libwmf (make)
- mlt (make)
- mtr (make)
- profanity (make)
- python-cairocffi (make)
- qemu (make)
- vlc (make)
- vulkan-html-docs (make)
- wofi (make)
- spice (check)