python-sphinx 8.1.3-1
Package Actions
Architecture: | any |
Repository: | World |
Description: | Python documentation generator |
Homepage: | |
License(s): | BSD-2-Clause |
Package Size: | 2.6 MB |
Installed Size: | 19.6 MB |
Last Packager: | Thiago O Calsolari <> |
Build Date: | 2024-10-16 00:56 UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | 2024-10-16 01:04 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-10-16 02:00 UTC |
Dependencies (34)
- python-babel
- python-docutils
- python-imagesize
- python-jinja
- python-packaging
- python-pygments
- python-requests
- python-snowballstemmer
- python-sphinx-alabaster-theme
- python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp (virtual)
- python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp (virtual)
- python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (virtual)
- python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath (virtual)
- python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp (virtual)
- python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml (virtual)
- imagemagick (optional) - for ext.imgconverter
- texlive-fontsextra (optional) - for the default admonition title icons in PDF output
- texlive-latexextra (optional) - for generation of PDF documentation
- git (make)
- python-build (make)
- python-flit-core (make)
- python-installer (make)
- cython (check)
- imagemagick (check)
- librsvg (check)
- python-defusedxml (check)
- python-pytest (check)
- python-setuptools (check)
- python-typing_extensions (check)
- texlive-fontsextra (check)
- texlive-fontsrecommended (check)
- texlive-latexextra (check)
- texlive-luatex (check)
- texlive-xetex (check)
Required By (141)
- gnome-builder
- python-breathe
- python-guzzle-sphinx-theme
- python-myst-parser
- python-pallets-sphinx-themes
- python-recommonmark
- python-sphinx-argparse
- python-sphinx-argparse-cli
- python-sphinx-autobuild
- python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints
- python-sphinx-basic-ng
- python-sphinx-copybutton
- python-sphinx-hawkmoth
- python-sphinx-inline-tabs
- python-sphinx-issues
- python-sphinx-jinja
- python-sphinx-lv2-theme
- python-sphinx-pytest
- python-sphinx-reredirects
- python-sphinx_rtd_theme
- python-sphinxcontrib-apidoc
- python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
- python-sphinxcontrib-jquery
- python-sphinxcontrib-spelling
- python-sphinxcontrib-towncrier
- python-sphinxcontrib-trio
- python-sphinxext-opengraph
- python-nose2 (optional)
- python-oslo-config (optional)
- python-pytoolconfig (optional)
- rst2pdf (optional)
- at-spi2-core (make)
- bind (make)
- btrfs-progs (make)
- certbot (make)
- clang (make)
- cmake (make)
- dleyna (make)
- extra-cmake-modules (make)
- fish (make)
- flashrom (make)
- fontforge (make)
- gobject-introspection (make)
- libcamera (make)
- libgirepository (make)
- libmemcached-awesome (make)
- libmypaint (make)
- libuv (make)
- libwireplumber (make)
- libwireplumber-4.0-compat (make)
- libwslay (make)
- lilv (make)
- linux (make)
- linux (testing) (make)
- linux-docs (make)
- linux-docs (testing) (make)
- linux-hardened (make)
- linux-headers (make)
- linux-headers (testing) (make)
- linux-lts (make)
- linux-rt (make)
- linux-rt-lts (make)
- linux-zen (make)
- lld (make)
- lldb (make)
- llvm (make)
- mesa (make)
- mopidy (make)
- mpd (make)
- notmuch (make)
- mesa (make)
- pelican (make)
- polybar (make)
- powerline (make)
- python-acme (make)
- python-cairo (make)
- python-cheetah3 (make)
- python-commonmark (make)
- python-dbus (make)
- python-dbus-deviation (make)
- python-dbus-docs (make)
- python-distro (make)
- python-dleyna (make)
- python-engineio (make)
- python-eventlet (make)
- python-feedgen (make)
- python-flask-socketio (make)
- python-flask-sqlalchemy (make)
- python-gevent-websocket (make)
- pygobject (make)
- python-jedi (make)
- python-kajiki (make)
- python-libcamera (make)
- python-libevdev (make)
- python-lilv (make)
- python-lxml (make)
- python-netaddr (make)
- python-parso (make)
- python-pecan (make)
- python-pip (make)
- python-powerline (make)
- python-ptrace (make)
- python-pygments (make)
- python-pylint (make)
- python-pyotp (make)
- python-pytest-testinfra (make)
- python-pyudev (make)
- python-socketio (make)
- python-urllib3-doc (make)
- python-virtualenv (make)
- python-webob (make)
- python-websockets (make)
- python-xapian (make)
- python-ytmusicapi (make)
- qemu (make)
- qpdf (make)
- serd (make)
- sord (make)
- sratom (make)
- suil (make)
- vapoursynth (make)
- vim-powerline (make)
- mesa (make)
- wireplumber (make)
- zathura (make)
- zix (make)
- python-bidict (check)
- python-cliff (check)
- python-curio (check)
- python-oslo-config (check)
- python-pbr (check)
- python-pytoolconfig (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp (check)
- python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml (check)
- python-sphinxygen (check)
- python-stestr (check)
- rst2pdf (check)