python-pandas 2.2.3-1
Package Actions
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | World-Gremlins |
Description: | High-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for Python |
Homepage: | |
License(s): | BSD-3-Clause |
Package Size: | 15.9 MB |
Installed Size: | 109.3 MB |
Last Packager: | artist <[email protected]> |
Build Date: | 2024-11-26 14:47 UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-26 14:52 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-17 23:03 UTC |
Dependencies (86)
- python-dateutil (testing)
- python-numpy (testing)
- python-pytz (testing)
- python-beautifulsoup4 (testing) (optional) - read_html function (in any case)
- python-blosc (testing) (optional) - for msgpack compression using blosc
- python-bottleneck (testing) (optional) - accelerating certain types of nan evaluations (recommended)
- python-brotli (testing) (optional) - Brotli compression
- python-fsspec (testing) (optional) - handling files aside from local and HTTP
- python-html5lib (testing) (optional) - read_html function (and/or python-lxml)
- python-jinja (testing) (optional) - conditional formatting with
- python-lxml (testing) (optional) - read_xml, to_xml and read_html function (and/or python-html5lib)
- python-matplotlib (testing) (optional) - plotting
- python-numba (testing) (optional) - alternative execution engine
- python-numexpr (testing) (optional) - accelerating certain numerical operations (recommended)
- python-openpyxl (testing) (optional) - Excel XLSX input/output
- python-pandas-datareader (testing) (optional) - replacement (recommended)
- python-psycopg2 (testing) (optional) - PostgreSQL engine for sqlalchemy
- python-pyarrow (testing) (optional) - Parquet, ORC and feather reading/writing
- python-pymysql (testing) (optional) - MySQL engine for sqlalchemy
- python-pyqt5 (optional) - read_clipboard function (only one needed)
- python-pytables (testing) (optional) - HDF5-based reading / writing
- python-qtpy (testing) (optional) - read_clipboard function (only one needed)
- python-scipy (testing) (optional) - miscellaneous statistical functions
- python-snappy (testing) (optional) - Snappy compression
- python-sqlalchemy (testing) (optional) - SQL database support
- python-tabulate (testing) (optional) - printing in Markdown-friendly format
- python-xarray (testing) (optional) - pandas-like API for N-dimensional data
- python-xlrd (testing) (optional) - Excel XLS input
- python-xlsxwriter (testing) (optional) - alternative Excel XLSX output
- python-xlwt (testing) (optional) - Excel XLS output
- python-zstandard (testing) (optional) - Zstandard (zstd) compression
- xclip (optional) - read_clipboard function (only one needed)
- xsel (optional) - read_clipboard function (only one needed)
- zlib (optional) - compression for msgpack
- cython (testing) (make)
- git (make)
- meson-python (testing) (make)
- python-build (testing) (make)
- python-installer (testing) (make)
- python-versioneer (testing) (make)
- ipython (testing) (check)
- python-beautifulsoup4 (testing) (check)
- python-blosc (testing) (check)
- python-botocore (testing) (check)
- python-bottleneck (testing) (check)
- python-brotli (testing) (check)
- python-cftime (testing) (check)
- python-dask (testing) (check)
- python-fsspec (testing) (check)
- python-geopandas (testing) (check)
- python-html5lib (testing) (check)
- python-hypothesis (testing) (check)
- python-jinja (testing) (check)
- python-lxml (testing) (check)
- python-matplotlib (testing) (check)
- python-numba (testing) (check)
- python-numba (testing) (check)
- python-numexpr (testing) (check)
- python-odfpy (testing) (check)
- python-openpyxl (testing) (check)
- python-pandas-datareader (testing) (check)
- python-psycopg2 (testing) (check)
- python-pyarrow (testing) (check)
- python-pymysql (testing) (check)
- python-pyqt5 (check)
- python-pytables (testing) (check)
- python-pytest (testing) (check)
- python-pytest-asyncio (testing) (check)
- python-pytest-xdist (testing) (check)
- python-qtpy (testing) (check)
- python-scikit-learn (testing) (check)
- python-scipy (testing) (check)
- python-seaborn (testing) (check)
- python-snappy (testing) (check)
- python-sqlalchemy (testing) (check)
- python-statsmodels (testing) (check)
- python-tabulate (testing) (check)
- python-toolz (testing) (check)
- python-xarray (testing) (check)
- python-xlrd (testing) (check)
- python-xlsxwriter (testing) (check)
- python-xlwt (testing) (check)
- python-zstandard (testing) (check)
- xclip (check)
- xsel (check)
- zlib (check)
Required By (36)
- python-dask-expr (testing)
- python-fastparquet (testing)
- python-geopandas (testing)
- python-networkx (testing)
- python-pandas-datareader (testing)
- python-seaborn (testing)
- python-statsmodels (testing)
- python-xarray (testing)
- python-clevercsv (testing) (optional)
- python-dask (testing) (optional)
- python-hypothesis (testing) (optional)
- python-openai (testing) (optional)
- python-openpyxl (testing) (optional)
- python-partd (testing) (optional)
- python-pyarrow (testing) (optional)
- python-tabulate (testing) (optional)
- python-pyarrow (testing) (make)
- ipython (testing) (check)
- python-clevercsv (testing) (check)
- python-dask (testing) (check)
- python-distributed (testing) (check)
- python-elasticsearch (testing) (check)
- python-fsspec (testing) (check)
- python-hypothesis (testing) (check)
- python-jsonpickle (testing) (check)
- python-lsp-server (testing) (check)
- python-matplotlib (testing) (check)
- python-nptyping (testing) (check)
- python-openpyxl (testing) (check)
- python-partd (testing) (check)
- python-pyarrow (testing) (check)
- python-pyfakefs (testing) (check)
- python-pyproj (testing) (check)
- python-rapidfuzz (testing) (check)
- python-tabulate (testing) (check)
- python-tqdm (testing) (check)