openssl 3.3.2-1
Package Actions
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | System |
Description: | The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security |
Homepage: | |
License(s): | Apache-2.0 |
Provides: | |
Replaces: | |
Package Size: | 4.9 MB |
Installed Size: | 11.0 MB |
Last Packager: | Dudemanguy <> |
Build Date: | Sept. 4, 2024, 10:14 p.m. UTC |
Signed By: | Artix Build Bot |
Signature Date: | Sept. 4, 2024, 10:30 p.m. UTC |
Last Updated: | Sept. 6, 2024, 7 p.m. UTC |
Dependencies (4)
- glibc
- ca-certificates (optional)
- perl (optional)
- perl (make)
Required By (320)
- acme-tiny
- apache
- argyllcms
- arrow
- artix-checkupdates
- aws-c-cal
- bear
- bind
- capnproto
- cargo-c (requires
- clamav
- composefs
- coreutils
- cryptsetup
- curl (requires
- cyrus-sasl
- deluge
- dhcpcd
- dillo
- dovecot
- efl
- ejabberd
- elinks
- encfs
- erlang
- erlang-nox
- exim
- falkon
- fossil
- fractal
- freerdp (requires
- freerdp2
- freetds
- gdal
- git
- gnustep-base
- grpc
- grub-customizer
- gsoap
- gst-plugin-aws
- gst-plugin-reqwest
- gst-plugin-rswebrtc
- gst-plugins-bad
- gst-plugin-webrtchttp
- gst-webrtc-signalling-server
- gwenhywfar
- haproxy
- hexchat
- hostapd
- i2pd
- ibm-sw-tpm2
- iperf3
- irssi
- jami-daemon
- jose
- kdeconnect
- khealthcertificate
- kitinerary
- kmod
- krb5
- ldns
- lib32-curl (requires
- lib32-openssl
- libarchive (requires
- libbobcat
- libdatachannel
- libesmtp
- libetebase
- libevent
- libfido2
- libgit2
- libimobiledevice
- libnvme
- libp11
- libperconaserverclient
- libquotient
- librabbitmq-c
- librdkafka
- libretls
- libsasl
- libshout
- libssh
- libssh2
- libstrophe
- libtorrent
- libtorrent-rasterbar
- libtpms
- libwebsockets
- libzip
- links
- live-media
- lua51-sec
- lua52-sec
- lua53-sec
- lua-sec
- lynx
- mariadb-libs
- maturin
- minizip-ng
- mktorrent
- mokutil
- mongo-c-driver
- mongo-c-driver (testing)
- mosh
- mosquitto
- mumble (requires
- mumble-server (requires
- mupdf-gl
- mupdf-tools
- mutt (requires
- neon
- net-snmp
- nginx
- nmap
- nodejs
- nodejs-lts-hydrogen
- nodejs-lts-iron
- nrpe
- nsd
- ntp
- nushell (requires
- opendht
- open-iscsi
- open-isns
- openrct2
- opensmtpd
- opensmtpd (testing)
- opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign
- openssh (requires
- openvpn (requires
- openvswitch
- opusfile
- ostree (requires
- percona-server
- percona-server-clients
- perf
- perl-crypt-openssl-bignum
- perl-crypt-openssl-dsa
- perl-crypt-openssl-random
- perl-net-ssleay
- pgbouncer
- pipewire-zeroconf
- pkcs11-helper
- poco
- podofo
- podofo-tools
- postfix (requires
- postgresql
- postgresql-libs
- postgresql-old-upgrade
- powerdns
- powerdns-recursor
- ppp
- prosody
- proxytunnel
- pulseaudio-rtp
- pure-ftpd
- pypy
- pypy3
- python
- python-aioquic
- python-awscrt (requires
- python-m2crypto
- python-oscrypto
- python-pycurl
- python-scrypt
- qbittorrent
- qbittorrent-nox
- qownnotes
- qpdf
- qt6-base
- remmina
- retroarch
- roc-toolkit
- rspamd
- rsync
- ruby
- ruby (testing)
- ruby2.7
- ruby-eventmachine
- ruby-eventmachine (testing)
- rust
- s2n-tls
- sbsigntools
- scribus
- sequoia-octopus-librnp-git
- sequoia-sq
- sequoia-sq (testing)
- shairport-sync
- s-nail
- socat (requires
- softhsm
- spamassassin
- spice-gtk
- sqlcipher
- squid
- srt
- strongswan
- stunnel
- sudo (requires
- swtpm
- syslog-ng
- telegram-desktop
- telegram-desktop
- testdisk
- thrift
- tnftp
- tor (requires
- tpm2-tools
- tpm2-tss
- tpm2-tss (testing)
- trojan
- umurmur
- unarchiver
- unbound
- unrealircd
- uwsgi
- uwsgi (testing)
- virtualbox
- vpnc
- vsftpd
- w3m
- webmin
- wpa_supplicant
- x11vnc
- xmlsec
- xmrig (requires
- yara
- zathura-pdf-mupdf
- zeroc-ice
- apr-util (optional)
- clevis (optional)
- opensips (optional)
- qca (optional)
- refind (optional)
- apr-util (make)
- linux-tools (make)
- clevis (make)
- cpupower (make)
- cyrus-sasl (make)
- freerdp (make)
- freerdp2 (make)
- gdal (make)
- grpc (make)
- gst-plugins-rs (make)
- hyperv (make)
- libgit2 (make)
- libmupdf (make)
- libperconaserverclient (make)
- libpulse (make)
- libsasl (make)
- libtg_owt (make)
- linux-tools-meta (make)
- mariadb (make)
- mumble (make)
- mupdf (make)
- mutt (make)
- mytop (make)
- nginx (make)
- opensips (make)
- openssh (make)
- ostree (make)
- percona-server (make)
- perf (make)
- grpc (make)
- postfix (make)
- pulseaudio (make)
- python-gdal (make)
- grpc (make)
- python-mupdf (make)
- qca (make)
- redis (make)
- restinio (make)
- ruby (make)
- ruby (testing) (make)
- ruby-bundled-gems (make)
- ruby-bundled-gems (testing) (make)
- ruby (make)
- ruby-default-gems (testing) (make)
- ruby-docs (make)
- ruby-docs (testing) (make)
- ruby-stdlib (make)
- ruby-stdlib (testing) (make)
- sequoia-octopus-librnp-git (make)
- tmon (make)
- tpm2-tools (make)
- trojan (make)
- turbostat (make)
- unbound (make)
- usbip (make)
- uwsgi (make)
- uwsgi (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-cgi (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-cgi (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-lua51 (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-lua51 (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-mono (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-mono (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-notfound (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-notfound (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-php (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-php (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-php-legacy (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-php-legacy (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-psgi (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-psgi (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-pypy (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-pypy (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-python (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-python (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-rack (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-rack (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-webdav (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-webdav (testing) (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-zabbix (make)
- uwsgi-plugin-zabbix (testing) (make)
- x86_energy_perf_policy (make)
- libsignal-protocol-c (check)
- python-httpretty (check)
- trojan (check)