8794 matching packages found. Page 1 of 88.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 world ruby-stdlib 3.3.7-1 Full Ruby StdLib including default gems, bundled gems and tools 2025-02-13
x86_64 world ruby-docs 3.3.7-1 Documentation files for Ruby 2025-02-13
x86_64 world ruby-default-gems 3.3.7-1 Default gems which are part of Ruby StdLib 2025-02-13
x86_64 world ruby-bundled-gems 3.3.7-1 Bundled gems which are part of Ruby StdLib 2025-02-13
x86_64 world ruby 3.3.7-1 An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming 2025-02-13
any world rubygems 3.5.22-3 Package management framework for Ruby 2025-02-13
any world ruby-bundler 2.6.0-3 Manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably 2025-02-13
any world pyenv 1:2.5.2-1 Easily switch between multiple versions of Python 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins python-pymongo 4.11.1-1 The official MongoDB Python driver 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins matrix-synapse 1.124.0-1 Matrix reference homeserver 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-s3 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - S3 libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-kinesis 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - Kinesis libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-iam 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - IAM libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-firehose 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - Firehose libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-ec2 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - EC2 libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp-core 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ - core library 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-sdk-cpp 1.11.503-1 AWS SDK for C++ 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins aws-c-event-stream 0.5.2-1 C99 implementation of the vnd.amazon.eventstream content-type 2025-02-13
x86_64 world tellico 4.1.1-1 A collection manager for KDE 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-rapidfuzz 3.12.1-1 Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-netcdf4 1.7.2-3 Python/NumPy interface to the netCDF C library 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-levenshtein 0.27.0-1 Python extension for computing string edit distances and similarities 2025-02-13
any world python-sentry_sdk 2.21.0-1 The official Python SDK for Sentry.io 2025-02-13
any world python-pypdf 5.3.0-1 Python library for manipulating pages of PDF files 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma5-integration 6.3.0-2 Qt5 Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-integration 6.3.0-2 Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins wacomtablet 6.3.0-1 GUI for Wacom Linux drivers that supports different button/pen layout profiles 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins systemsettings 6.3.0-1 KDE system manager for hardware, software, and workspaces 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins spectacle 1:6.3.0-1 KDE screenshot capture utility 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins sddm-kcm 6.3.0-1 KDE Config Module for SDDM 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins qqc2-breeze-style 6.3.0-1 Applications useful for Plasma development 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins print-manager 1:6.3.0-1 A tool for managing print jobs and printers 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins polkit-kde-agent 6.3.0-1 Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plymouth-kcm 6.3.0-1 KCM to manage the Plymouth (Boot) theme 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma5support 6.3.0-1 Support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-thunderbolt 6.3.0-1 Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-systemmonitor 6.3.0-1 An interface for monitoring system sensors, process information and other system resources 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-sdk 6.3.0-1 Applications useful for Plasma development 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-firewall 6.3.0-1 Control Panel for your system firewall 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-disks 6.3.0-1 Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failure 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-activities-stats 6.3.0-1 A library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kwin 6.3.0-4 An easy to use, but flexible, composited Window Manager 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kscreen 6.3.0-1 KDE screen management software 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kinfocenter 6.3.0-1 A utility that provides information about a computer system 2025-02-13
any world-gremlins plasma-workspace-wallpapers 6.3.0-1 Additional wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace 2025-02-13
x86_64 world zix-docs 0.6.2-1 A lightweight C99 portability and data structure library - documentation 2025-02-13
x86_64 world zix 0.6.2-1 A lightweight C99 portability and data structure library 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-watchfiles 1.0.4-1 Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in Python 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-maturin 1.8.2-1 Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings - Python bindings 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-lilv 0.24.26-1 A C library interface to the LV2 plug-in standard - Python interface 2025-02-13
x86_64 world python-flatbuffers 25.2.10-1 An efficient cross platform serialization library for Python 2025-02-13
x86_64 world maturin 1.8.2-1 Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings 2025-02-13
x86_64 world mac 10.94-1 APE codec and decompressor 2025-02-13
x86_64 world lilv-docs 0.24.26-1 A C library interface to the LV2 plug-in standard - documentation 2025-02-13
x86_64 world lilv 0.24.26-1 A C library interface to the LV2 plug-in standard 2025-02-13
x86_64 world libnitrokey 3.8-3 Communicate with Nitrokey stick devices in a clean and easy manner 2025-02-13
x86_64 world flatbuffers 25.2.10-1 An efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, with support for Java, C# and Go 2025-02-13
x86_64 world cython 3.0.12-1 C-Extensions for Python 2025-02-13
x86_64 world clamav 1.4.2-1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix 2025-02-13
any world python-xmlschema 1:3.4.3-1 An XML Schema validator and decoder 2025-02-13
any world python-pysol_cards 0.18.1-1 Deal PySol FC Cards 2025-02-13
any world python-pynitrokey 0.7.3-1 A command line interface for the Nitrokey FIDO2 and Nitrokey Start 2025-02-13
any world python-pip 25.0.1-1 The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages 2025-02-13
any world python-openai 1.62.0-1 Python client library for the OpenAI API 2025-02-13
any world python-myst-parser 4.0.1-1 An extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to docutils/sphinx 2025-02-13
any world python-mysql-connector 9.2.0-1 A standardized database driver for Python platforms and development 2025-02-13
any world python-mako 1.3.9-1 A template library written in Python 2025-02-13
any world python-invoke 2.2.0-4 Pythonic task execution 2025-02-13
any world python-importlib_resources 6.5.2-1 Design and implementation for a planned importlib.resources 2025-02-13
any world python-identify 2.6.7-1 File identification library for Python 2025-02-13
any world python-hypothesis 6.125.2-1 Advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 2025-02-13
any world python-fido2 1.2.0-1 Library for FIDO 2.0, including communication with a device over USBA 2025-02-13
any world python-fakeredis 2.27.0-1 Fake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes 2025-02-13
any world python-click-aliases 1.0.5-1 Enable aliases for click 2025-02-13
any world python-click 8.1.8-1 Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities 2025-02-13
any world nitrokey-udev-rules 1.1.0-1 Udev rules for Nitrokey devices 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins plasma-activities 6.3.0-1 Core components for KDE Activities 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins oxygen5 6.3.0-1 Qt5 Oxygen style 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins oxygen 6.3.0-1 KDE Oxygen style 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins milou 6.3.0-1 A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins libplasma 6.3.0-1 Plasma library and runtime components 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins libksysguard 6.3.0-1 Library to retrieve information on the current status of computer hardware 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins libkscreen 6.3.0-1 KDE screen management software 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins layer-shell-qt 6.3.0-2 Qt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kwrited 6.3.0-1 KDE daemon listening for wall and write messages 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kwayland-integration 6.3.0-1 Provides integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for the wayland windowing system 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kwayland 6.3.0-1 Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kwallet-pam 6.3.0-1 KWallet PAM integration 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins ksystemstats 6.3.0-1 A plugin based system monitoring daemon 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins ksshaskpass 6.3.0-1 ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kscreenlocker 6.3.0-1 Library and components for secure lock screen architecture 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kpipewire 6.3.0-1 Components relating to pipewire use in Plasma 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kmenuedit 6.3.0-1 KDE menu editor 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kglobalacceld 6.3.0-1 Daemon providing Global Keyboard Shortcut (Accelerator) functionality 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kgamma 6.3.0-1 Adjust your monitor gamma settings 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kdecoration 6.3.0-1 Plugin based library to create window decorations 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kde-gtk-config 6.3.0-1 Syncs KDE settings to GTK applications 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kde-cli-tools 6.3.0-1 Tools based on KDE Frameworks to better interact with the system 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins kactivitymanagerd 6.3.0-1 System service to manage user activities and track the usage patterns 2025-02-13
x86_64 world-gremlins flatpak-kcm 6.3.0-1 Flatpak Permissions Management KCM 2025-02-13

8794 matching packages found. Page 1 of 88.

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