4906 matching packages found. Page 10 of 50.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 World gnome-color-manager 3.36.0+r62+g82000f1d-1 GNOME Color Profile Tools July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-connections 47.0-1 Remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-console 47.1-1 A simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-contacts 47.0-1 Contacts Manager for GNOME Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-control-center 47.0.1-1 GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-desktop 1:44.1-1 Provides API shared by several apps on the GNOME desktop using GTK 3 Aug. 21, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-desktop-4 1:44.1-1 Provides API shared by several apps on the GNOME desktop using GTK 4 Aug. 21, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-desktop-common 1:44.1-1 Provides API shared by several apps on the GNOME desktop (common files) Aug. 21, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-desktop-docs 1:44.1-1 Provides API shared by several apps on the GNOME desktop (documentation) Aug. 21, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-disk-utility 46.1-1 Disk Management Utility for GNOME Sept. 3, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-epub-thumbnailer 1.8-1 Thumbnailer for EPub and MOBI books Sept. 25, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-font-viewer 47.0-1 A font viewer utility for GNOME Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-games 40.0-7 Simple game launcher for GNOME Sept. 25, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-initial-setup 47.0-1 Helps you to set up your OS when you boot for the first time Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-keybindings 47.0.1-1 Keybindings configuration for GNOME applications Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-keyring 1:46.2-1 Stores passwords and encryption keys July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-klotski 3.38.2-2 Slide blocks to solve the puzzle July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-mahjongg 47.0-1 Disassemble a pile of tiles by removing matching pairs Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-maps 47.0-1 Find places around the world Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-menus 3.36.0-3 GNOME menu specifications July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-mines 40.1-2 Clear hidden mines from a minefield July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-multi-writer 3.35.90-3 Write an ISO file to multiple USB devices at once July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-nettool 42.0-3 Graphical interface for various networking tools July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-nibbles 4.1.0-1 Guide a worm around a maze Sept. 12, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-online-accounts 3.52.0-1 Single sign-on framework for GNOME Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-panel 3.52.0-4 Panel of GNOME Flashback July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-photos 1:44.0-4 Access, organize, and share your photos on GNOME July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-recipes 2.0.4-11 Recipe management application for GNOME Sept. 13, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-remote-desktop 47.0-2 GNOME Remote Desktop server Sept. 15, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-robots 40.0-2 Avoid the robots and make them crash into each other July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-screenshot 41.0+r39+ga362197-2 Take pictures of your screen July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-session 47.0.1-1 The GNOME Session Handler Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-settings-daemon 47.1-1 GNOME Settings Daemon Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-shell 1:47.0-1 Next generation desktop shell Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-shell-docs 1:47.0-1 Next generation desktop shell (API documentation) Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-software 47.0-1 GNOME Software Tools Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-sudoku 47.0-1 Test your logic skills in this number grid puzzle Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-system-monitor 47.0-2 View current processes and monitor system state Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-taquin 3.38.1+r35+g35edb95-2 Move tiles so that they reach their places July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-terminal 3.54.0-1 The GNOME Terminal Emulator Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-tetravex 3.38.2-1 Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-text-editor 47.0-1 A simple text editor for the GNOME desktop Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-themes-extra 3.28+r6+g45b1d457-2 Extra Themes for GNOME Applications July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-tour 47.0-1 Guided tour and greeter for GNOME Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-usage 46.0-1 View information about use of system resources July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnome-user-share 47.0-1 Easy to use user-level file sharing for GNOME Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnu-efi 3.0.18-2 Develop EFI applications using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnugo 3.8-8 Program that plays the game of Go July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnu-netcat 0.7.1-10 GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application July 30, 2024
x86_64 System gnupg 2.4.5-5 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnuplot 6.0.1-1 Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and others July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnuplot-demos 6.0.1-1 Demos for gnuplot July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gnustep-base 1.30.0-1 The GNUstep base package Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gnustep-make 2.9.2-1 The GNUstep make package Sept. 10, 2024
x86_64 System gnutls 3.8.7-1 A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer Aug. 16, 2024
x86_64 World go 2:1.23.2-1 Core compiler tools for the Go programming language Oct. 5, 2024
x86_64 World gobject-introspection 1.82.0-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World gobject-introspection-runtime 1.82.0-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries - runtime Sept. 19, 2024
x86_64 World godot 4.3-3 Advanced cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine Aug. 24, 2024
x86_64 World go-ethereum 1.14.11-1 Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol Oct. 6, 2024
x86_64 World go-licenses 1.6.0-1 Lightweight tool to report on the licenses used by a Go package and its dependencies. July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gom 0.5.3-1 GObject to SQLite object mapper library Aug. 4, 2024
x86_64 World go-md2man 2.0.4-1 A markdown to manpage generator July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gom-docs 0.5.3-1 GObject to SQLite object mapper library - documentation Aug. 4, 2024
x86_64 World google-glog 0.7.1-1 Logging library for C++ July 31, 2024
x86_64 World go-tools 4:0.26.0-1 Developer tools for the Go programming language Oct. 5, 2024
x86_64 World gox 1.0.1-7 A simple, no-frills tool for Go cross compilation July 30, 2024
x86_64 World go-yq 4.44.3-1 Portable command-line YAML processor Aug. 22, 2024
x86_64 World gparted 1.6.0-2 A Partition Magic clone, frontend to GNU Parted Sept. 5, 2024
x86_64 World gperf 3.1-5 Perfect hash function generator July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gperftools 2.15-1 Fast, multi-threaded malloc and nifty performance analysis tools July 30, 2024
x86_64 System gpgme 1.23.2-6.2 A C wrapper library for GnuPG Aug. 14, 2024
x86_64 World gphoto2 2.5.28-3 A digital camera download and access program. Aug. 22, 2024
x86_64 Galaxy gpicview 0.2.5-8 Lightweight image viewer July 30, 2024
x86_64 System gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6 A mouse server for the console and xterm Aug. 14, 2024
x86_64 World gpsd 3.25-3 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices July 30, 2024
x86_64 World gptfdisk 1.0.10-1 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grafana 11.2.2-1 Gorgeous metric viz, dashboards & editors for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB Oct. 5, 2024
x86_64 World granatier 24.08.1-1 A clone of the classic Bomberman game Sept. 20, 2024
x86_64 World granite 1:6.2.0-1 Library that extends Gtk+ July 30, 2024
x86_64 World granite7 7.5.0-1 Library that extends Gtk+ July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grantlee 5.3.1-2 A string template engine based on the Django template system and written in Qt July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grantlee-editor 24.08.1-1 Editor for Grantlee themes Sept. 20, 2024
x86_64 World grantleetheme 24.08.1-1 Library for Grantlee theming support Sept. 20, 2024
x86_64 World grantleetheme5 23.08.5-2 Library for Grantlee theming support July 30, 2024
x86_64 World graphene 1.10.8-2 Thin layer of graphic data types Oct. 5, 2024
x86_64 World graphene-docs 1.10.8-2 Thin layer of graphic data types (documentation) Oct. 5, 2024
x86_64 World graphicsmagick 1.3.45-3 Image processing system Sept. 21, 2024
x86_64 World graphite 1:1.3.14-4 reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine Aug. 6, 2024
x86_64 World graphite-docs 1:1.3.14-4 reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine (documentation) Aug. 6, 2024
x86_64 World graphviz 12.1.2-1 Graph visualization software Sept. 30, 2024
x86_64 World greetd 0.10.3-1 Generic greeter daemon July 30, 2024
x86_64 World greetd-agreety 0.10.3-1 Generic greeter daemon July 30, 2024
x86_64 World greetd-tuigreet 0.9.1-1 A console UI greeter for greetd July 30, 2024
x86_64 System grep 3.11-1 A string search utility July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grilo 0.3.16-1 Framework that provides access to various sources of multimedia content July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grilo-plugins 1:0.3.16-1 A collection of plugins for the Grilo framework July 30, 2024
x86_64 World grim 1.4.1-2 Screenshot utility for Wayland Aug. 7, 2024
x86_64 System groff 1.23.0-7 GNU troff text-formatting system Aug. 30, 2024
x86_64 World grpc 1.65.5-4 High performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first. Sept. 28, 2024

4906 matching packages found. Page 10 of 50.

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