3654 matching packages found. Page 30 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world ruby-hoe 4.2.2-3 Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles 2025-02-18
any world ruby-http-cookie 1.0.7-2 Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 2025-02-18
any world ruby-httpclient 2.8.3-11 gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-i18n 1.14.1-4 New wave internationalisation support for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-ice_nine 0.11.2-4 Deep freeze Ruby objects 2025-02-18
any world ruby-introspection 0.0.4-4 Dynamic inspection of the hierarchy of method definitions on a Ruby object. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-io-endpoint 0.15.2-1 Provides a separation of concerns interface for IO endpoints 2025-02-27
any world ruby-io-stream 0.6.0-1 Provides a generic stream wrapper for IO instances 2025-02-18
any world ruby-irb 1.13.1-2 Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop). 2025-02-18
any world ruby-json-schema 5.1.0-1 Interface for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema conforming to JSON Schema Draft 4. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-jwt 2.9.3-1 A pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard 2025-02-18
any world ruby-kpeg 1.3.3-4 A simple PEG library for ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-kramdown 2.4.0-1 Fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition 2025-02-18
any world ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0-4 A kramdown parser that converts GitHub Flavoured Markdown to HTML 2025-02-18
any world ruby-lemon 0.9.1-3 Pucker-Strength Unit Testing 2025-02-18
any world ruby-locale 2.1.4-3 A pure ruby library which provides basic and general purpose APIs for localization. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-localhost 1.1.10-3 Manage a local certificate authority for self-signed localhost development servers 2025-02-18
any world ruby-loofah 2.22.0-2 HTML/XML manipulation and sanitization based on Nokogiri 2025-02-18
any world ruby-m 1.6.1-3 Run test/unit tests by line number. Metal! 2025-02-18
any world ruby-manpages 0.6.1-6 Man pages support for ruby gems 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mapping 1.1.1-4 Map model objects based on their class to a given output model 2025-02-18
any world ruby-maruku 0.7.3-8 Pure-Ruby Markdown-superset interpreter 2025-02-18
any world ruby-matrix 0.4.2-2 An implementation of Matrix and Vector classes 2025-02-18
any world ruby-memoist 0.16.2-2 ActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements 2025-02-18
any world ruby-memory_profiler 1.1.0-1 Memory profiling routines for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-metaclass 0.0.4-3 Dynamic inspection of the hierarchy of method definitions on a Ruby object. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-method_source 1.0.0-4 retrieve the sourcecode for a method 2025-02-18
any world ruby-metrics 0.12.0-1 Application metrics and instrumentation 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mime-types 3.6.0-2 MIME Content-Type database 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mime-types-data 3.2025.0220-1 provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions 2025-02-28
any world ruby-mini_mime 1.1.5-1 A lightweight mime type lookup toy 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mini_portile 0.6.2-6 Simple autoconf builder for developers 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mini_portile2 2.8.7-2 Simple autoconf builder for developers 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest 5.22.3-2 Complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-global_expectations 1.0.1-5 Support minitest expectation methods for all objects 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-hooks 1.5.2-1 Around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-parallel_fork 2.0.0-3 Fork-based parallelization for minitest 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-proveit 1.0.0-4 forces all tests to prove success (via at least one assertion) rather than rely on the absence of failure. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-reporters 1.7.1-2 Extend Minitest through simple hooks 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-retry 0.2.3-1 re-run the test when the test fails 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-sprint 1.2.2-3 Runs (Get it? It's fast!) your tests and makes it easier to rerun individual failures 2025-02-18
any world ruby-minitest-stub-const 0.6-4 Stub constants for the duration of a block in MiniTest.Similar to RSpecs stub_const 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mixlib-cli 2.1.10-3 A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mixlib-config 3.0.29-3 A class based configuration library 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mixlib-shellout 3.2.7-4 Run external commands on Unix 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mkmf-lite 0.6.0-2 A lighter version of mkmf designed for use as a library 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mocha 2.5.0-1 Mocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-multi_json 1.15.0-5 A common interface to multiple JSON libraries. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-multi_test 1.1.0-4 Wafter-thin gem to help control rogue test/unit/autorun requires 2025-02-18
any world ruby-multipart-parser 0.1.1-4 A simple parser for multipart MIME messages, written in Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-multipart-post 2.3.0-4 A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mustache 1.1.1-4 Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-mustermann 3.0.0-4 Your personal string matching expert 2025-02-18
any world ruby-nanotest Extremely mynymal test framework 2025-02-18
any world ruby-native-package-installer 1.1.9-1 A helper to install native packages on "gem install" 2025-02-18
any world ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-3 Support for the File Transfer Protocol 2025-02-18
any world ruby-net-http-persistent 4.0.3-1 Thread-safe persistent connections with Net::HTTP 2025-02-18
any world ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-3 Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol 2025-02-18
any world ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-3 Ruby client library for POP3 2025-02-18
any world ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-3 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-netrc 0.11.0-4 Reads and writes netrc files 2025-02-18
any world ruby-octokit 9.1.0-2 Simple wrapper for the GitHub API 2025-02-18
any world ruby-oedipus_lex 2.6.2-3 This is not your father’s lexer 2025-02-18
any world ruby-optimist 3.1.0-3 Commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way 2025-02-18
any world ruby-packetfu 1.1.13-7 Library for reading and writing packets to an interface or to a libpcap-formatted file 2025-02-18
any world ruby-paint 2.3.0-4 Ruby paint manages terminal colors and effects 2025-02-18
any world ruby-parallel 1.26.3-3 Run any kind of code in parallel processes 2025-02-18
any world ruby-parser A production-ready Ruby parser written in pure Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-path_expander 1.1.1-3 Helps pre-process command-line arguments expanding directories into their constituent file 2025-02-18
any world ruby-permessage_deflate 0.1.4-3 Per-message DEFLATE compression extension for WebSocket connections 2025-02-18
any world ruby-pkg-config 1.5.7-1 Implementation of pkg-config in Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-power_assert 2.0.4-1 Power Assert for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-prime 0.1.2-2 Prime numbers and factorization library 2025-02-18
any world ruby-process-metrics 0.2.1-4 Provide detailed OS-specific process metrics 2025-02-18
any world ruby-protocol-hpack 1.5.1-1 A compresssor and decompressor for HTTP 2.0 HPACK 2025-02-27
any world ruby-protocol-http 0.49.0-1 Provides abstractions to handle HTTP protocols 2025-02-27
any world ruby-protocol-http1 0.30.0-1 A low level implementation of the HTTP/1 protocol 2025-02-27
any world ruby-protocol-http2 0.22.1-1 A low level implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol 2025-02-27
any world ruby-protocol-rack 0.11.1-1 An implementation of the Rack protocol/specification 2025-02-27
any world ruby-protocol-websocket 0.20.1-1 A low level implementation of the WebSocket protocol 2025-02-18
any world ruby-pry 0.14.2-4 A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capabilities 2025-02-18
any world ruby-pry-byebug 3.10.1-4 Combine 'pry' with 'byebug'. Adds 'step', 'next', 'finish', 'continue' and 'break' commands to control execution. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-ptools 1.5.0-2 Extra methods (power tools) for the File class for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-public_suffix 5.0.5-4 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List 2025-02-18
any world ruby-puppet-resource_api 1.9.0-3 This library provides a simple way to write new native resources for puppet. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-qed 2.9.1-4 Quality Ensured Documentation 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rack Minimal, modular, and adaptable interface for developing web applications 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rack-protection 4.1.0-3 Protect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rack-session 2.0.0-3 Session management implementation for Rack. 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rack-test 2.1.0-3 Small, simple testing API for Rack apps 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rackup 2.2.1-1 A general server command for Rack applications 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rails-dom-testing 2.0.3-4 Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0-2 HTML sanitization for Rails applications 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rainbow 3.1.1-3 Rainbow is extension to ruby's String class adding support for colorizing text on ANSI terminal 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rake 13.1.0-1 Make-like build tool implemented in Ruby 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rake-compiler 1.2.7-2 Rake-based Ruby Extension (C, Java) task generator 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rake-compiler-dock 1.5.2-2 Easy to use and reliable cross compiler environment for building Windows, Linux, Mac and JRuby binary gems 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rake-contrib Additional libraries for Rake 2025-02-18
any world ruby-range_compressor 1.2.0-3 Compresses Arrays of Objects to Arrays of Ranges 2025-02-18
any world ruby-rb-fsevent 0.11.2-3 FSEvents API with signals handled (without RubyCocoa) 2025-02-18

3654 matching packages found. Page 30 of 37.

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