3646 matching packages found. Page 29 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world ropgadget 7.4-3 Search gadgets in binaries to facilitate ROP exploitation for several file formats and architectures 2024-12-24
any world ropper 1.13.10-2 Show information about binary files and find gadgets to build rop chains for different architectures 2024-12-22
any system rpcbind-dinit 20211029-5 dinit service scripts for rpcbind 2024-12-10
any system rpcbind-openrc 20210505-1 OpenRC rpcbind init script 2024-12-10
any world rpcbind-runit 20180429-4 runit service scripts for rpcbind 2024-12-10
any system rpcbind-s6 20210919-1 s6 service scripts for rpcbind 2024-12-10
any world rpmextract 1.0-10 Script to convert or extract RPM archives (contains rpm2cpio) 2024-12-10
any world rsm 1.4.9-1 Runit service manager 2024-12-10
any world rspamd-dinit 20211102-4 dinit service scripts for rspamd 2024-12-10
any world rspamd-openrc 20210505-1 OpenRC rspamd init script 2024-12-10
any world rspamd-runit 20210407-2 Runit service script for rspamd 2024-12-10
any world rspamd-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for rspamd 2024-12-10
any world rst2pdf 0.102-2 Use a text editor. Make a PDF 2024-12-24
any world rsync-dinit 20211030-4 dinit service scripts for rsync 2024-12-10
any world rsync-openrc 20210502-1 OpenRC rsync init script 2024-12-10
any world rsync-runit 20180226-3 runit service scripts for rsync 2024-12-10
any world rsync-s6 20210919-1 s6-rc service scripts for rsync 2024-12-10
any world rubocop 1.39.0-7 A Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool 2024-12-10
any world ruby-activesupport A collection of utility classes and standard library extensions 2024-12-10
any world ruby-addressable 2.8.6-3 URI Implementation 2024-12-10
any world ruby-ae 1.8.2-6 Assertive Expressive is an assertions library specifically designed for reuse by other test frameworks 2024-12-10
any world ruby-ansi 1.5.0-6 Set of ANSI Code based classes and modules for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-ast 2.4.2-4 A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async 2.17.0-2 Composable asynchronous I/O 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-container 0.18.3-1 Abstract container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appropriate 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-dns 1.2.6-3 Asynchronous DNS resolver and server 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-http 0.82.1-1 A HTTP client and server library 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-http-cache 0.4.3-4 Standard-compliant cache for async-http 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-io 1.42.1-2 Provides support for asynchonous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-pool 0.10.1-1 A singleplex and multiplex resource pool for implementing robust clients 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-process 1.3.1-4 Asynchronous process spawning 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-rest 0.18.0-1 A library for RESTful clients (and hopefully servers) 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-rspec 1.17.0-4 Helpers for writing specs against the async gem 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-service 0.12.0-1 A service layer for Async 2024-12-10
any world ruby-async-websocket 0.30.0-1 An async websocket library on top of websocket-driver 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bacon 1.2.0-3 A small RSpec clone 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bacon-colored_output 1.1.1-4 Colored output for Bacon test framework 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bake 0.18.2-6 A replacement for rake with a simpler syntax 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bake-modernize 0.18.0-4 Automatically modernize parts of your project/gem 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bake-test 0.2.0-5 Run local test suites without knowing exactly how to run them 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bake-test-external 0.4.0-1 Run external test suites to check for breakage 2024-12-31
any world ruby-benchmark-ips 2.14.0-1 Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby 2024-12-17
any world ruby-brass 1.2.1-6 Bare-Metal Ruby Assertions System Standard 2024-12-10
any world ruby-build-environment 1.13.0-5 A nested hash data structure for controlling build environments 2024-12-10
any world ruby-build-files 1.9.0-4 Abstractions for handling and mapping paths 2024-12-10
any world ruby-builder 3.2.4-4 Provide a simple way to create XML markup and data structures 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bump 0.10.0-4 Bump your gem version file 2024-12-10
any world ruby-bundler 2.6.0-1 Manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably 2024-12-17
any world ruby-chef-utils 19.0.60-1 Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development 2024-12-17
any world ruby-childprocess 5.1.0-1 Cross-platform Ruby library for managing child processes 2024-12-10
any world ruby-chronic 0.10.2-5 Natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-coderay 1.1.3-5 Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages 2024-12-10
any world ruby-concurrent 1.3.4-2 Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, actors, supervisors, and more. 2024-12-10
any world ruby-connection_pool 2.4.1-3 Generic connection pool for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-console 1.27.0-1 Beautiful logging for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-covered 0.18.5-5 A modern approach to code coverage 2024-12-10
any world ruby-crack 1.0.0-3 Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails. 2024-12-10
any world ruby-crass 1.0.6-4 Crass is a pure Ruby CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber 9.2.0-2 Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-ci-environment 9.2.0-3 Detect CI Environment from environment variables 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-compatibility-kit 15.0.0-3 Kit to check compatibility with official cucumber implementation 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-core 13.0.3-2 Core library for the Cucumber BDD app 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-cucumber-expressions 17.1.0-2 Cucumber Expressions - a simpler alternative to Regular Expressions 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-gherkin 28.0.0-3 Gherkin for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-html-formatter 21.4.0-3 HTML formatter for Cucumber 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-messages 25.0.1-3 Protocol Buffer messages for Cucumber's inter-process communication 2024-12-10
any world ruby-cucumber-tag-expressions 5.0.6-3 Cucumber tag expressions for ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-daemons 1.4.1-3 Easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts to be run as a daemon 2024-12-10
any world ruby-dbus 0.23.1-3 Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus 2024-12-10
any world ruby-decode 0.22.0-1 Code analysis for documentation generation 2024-12-10
any world ruby-deep_merge 1.2.2-3 Recursively merge Ruby hashes 2024-12-10
any world ruby-diff-lcs 1.5.1-3 Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm 2024-12-10
any world ruby-docile 1.4.1-1 keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved 2024-12-10
any world ruby-domain_name 0.6.20240107-3 Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-erubi 1.13.0-2 Small ERB Implementation 2024-12-10
any world ruby-facets 3.1.0-5 Premiere collection of general purpose method extensions and standard additions for the Ruby programming language 2024-12-10
any world ruby-falcon 0.48.4-1 A fast, asynchronous, rack-compatible web server 2025-01-17
any world ruby-faraday 2.12.1-1 HTTP/REST API client library. 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-em_http 1.0.0-2 About Faraday adapter for EventMachine::HttpRequest 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0-2 Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-excon 1.1.0-2 Faraday adapter for Excon 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-httpclient 2.0.1-5 Faraday adapter for HTTPClient 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-multipart 1.0.4-5 Perform multipart-post requests using Faraday 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-net_http 3.2.0-4 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-net_http_persistent 2.1.0-2 About Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-patron 2.0.1-4 About Faraday adapter for Patron 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-rack 2.0.0-2 About Faraday adapter for Rack 2024-12-10
any world ruby-faraday-retry 1.0.3-5 Perform multipart-post requests using Faraday 2024-12-10
any world ruby-fast_gettext 3.1.0-1 A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of GetText 2024-12-10
any world ruby-fiber-annotation 0.2.0-5 A mechanism for annotating fibers 2024-12-10
any world ruby-fiber-local 1.1.0-3 Provides a class-level mixin to make fiber local state easy 2024-12-10
any world ruby-fiber-storage 0.1.2-3 Provides a compatibility shim for fiber storage 2024-12-10
any world ruby-get_process_mem 0.2.7-4 Get memory usage of a process in Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-hashdiff 1.1.2-1 Library to compute the smallest difference between two hashes 2024-12-10
any world ruby-hocon 1.4.0-6 Ruby support for the HOCON configuration file format 2024-12-10
any world ruby-hoe 4.2.2-3 Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles 2024-12-10
any world ruby-http-cookie 1.0.7-2 Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 2024-12-10
any world ruby-httpclient 2.8.3-11 gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-i18n 1.14.1-4 New wave internationalisation support for Ruby 2024-12-10
any world ruby-ice_nine 0.11.2-4 Deep freeze Ruby objects 2024-12-10

3646 matching packages found. Page 29 of 37.

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