3646 matching packages found. Page 27 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world python-starlette 0.45.2-1 The little ASGI framework that shines 2025-01-05
any world python-stdlibs 2022.10.9-4 Simple list of top-level packages in Python's stdlib 2024-12-22
any world python-stem 1.8.3-3 Python controller library for Tor 2024-12-22
any world python-stestr 4.1.0-7 A test runner runner similar to testrepository 2024-12-22
any world python-stevedore 5.4.0-1 Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications 2024-12-22
any world python-stone 3.3.8-2 The Official API Spec Language for Dropbox API V2 2024-12-22
any world python-strict-rfc3339 0.7-13 Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions 2024-12-22
any world python-strictyaml 1.7.3-4 Type-safe YAML parser that parses a restricted subset of the YAML specificaton 2024-12-22
any world python-structlog 25.1.0-1 Structured Logging for Python 2025-01-18
any world python-subprocess-tee 0.4.1-5 A subprocess.run that works like tee 2024-12-22
any world python-subunit 1.4.4-4 Python implementation of subunit test streaming protocol 2024-12-22
any world python-sure 2.0.1-5 An idiomatic testing library for python with powerful and flexible assertions 2024-12-22
any world python-svglib 1.5.1-4 Read SVG files and convert them to other formats 2024-12-22
any world python-sybil 6.0.3-3 Automated testing for the examples in your documentation. 2024-12-22
any world python-sympy 1.13.3-2 Symbolic manipulation package (Computer Algebra System), written in pure Python 2024-12-22
any world python-syrupy 4.6.1-3 Pytest Snapshot Test Utility 2024-12-22
any world python-tabulate 0.9.0-5 Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. 2024-12-22
any world python-tabview 1.4.4-5 A curses command-line CSV and list (tabular data) viewer 2024-12-22
any world python-tappy 3.1-6 Test Anything Protocol (TAP) tools for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-tblib 2.0.0-3 Python traceback fiddling library 2024-12-22
any world python-teamcity-messages 1.32-4 Send test results to TeamCity continuous integration server from unittest, nose, py.test, twisted trial, behave 2024-12-22
any world python-tempora 5.8.0-1 Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora). 2025-01-03
any world python-tenacity 9.0.0-2 Retry code until it succeeeds 2024-12-22
any world python-termcolor 2.5.0-1 ANSI Color formatting for output in terminal 2024-12-26
any world python-terminado 0.18.1-3 Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets 2024-12-22
any world python-termstyle 0.1.11-12 Console colouring for python 2024-12-22
any world python-testfixtures 8.3.0-3 A collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests 2024-12-22
any world python-testpath 0.6.0-4 Test utilities for code working with files and commands 2024-12-22
any world python-testrepository 0.0.21-3 A repository of test results. 2024-12-22
any world python-testresources 2.0.1-15 Testresources, a pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources 2024-12-22
any world python-testscenarios 0.5.0-18 Testscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection 2024-12-22
any world python-testtools 2.7.2-2 Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework 2024-12-22
any world python-text-unidecode 1.3-12 The most basic Text::Unidecode port 2024-12-22
any world python-textual 1.0.0-2 Modern Text User Interface framework 2024-12-22
any world python-threadpoolctl 3.5.0-2 Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in native libraries that handle their own internal threadpool 2024-12-22
any world python-tiny-proxy 0.2.1-5 Simple proxy (SOCKS4(a), SOCKS5(h), HTTP tunnel) server built with anyio 2024-12-28
any world python-tinycss2 1.4.0-2 Low-level CSS parser for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-tldextract 5.1.3-2 Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL, using the Public Suffix List 2024-12-22
any world python-tlv8 0.10.0-4 Python module to handle type-length-value (TLV) encoded data 2024-12-22
any world python-tokenize-rt 6.1.0-1 Wrapper around the stdlib tokenize which roundtrips 2025-01-17
any world python-toml 0.10.2-12 A Python library for parsing and creating TOML 2024-12-22
any world python-tomli 2.0.1-5 A lil' TOML parser 2024-12-22
any world python-tomli-w 1.1.0-1 A lil' TOML writer 2025-01-03
any world python-tomlkit 0.13.2-2 Style-preserving TOML library for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-toolz 1.0.0-2 A functional standard library for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-toposort 1.10-4 Implements a topological sort algorithm 2024-12-22
any world python-tox 4.23.2-2 Python virtualenv management and testing tool 2024-12-22
any world python-tox-current-env 0.0.14-1 tox plugin to run tests in current Python environment 2024-12-25
any world python-tqdm 4.67.1-2 Fast, Extensible Progress Meter 2024-12-22
any world python-trailrunner 1.4.0-4 Walk paths and run things 2024-12-22
any world python-traitlets 5.14.3-3 A configuration system for Python applications 2024-12-22
any world python-transaction 4.0-3 Transaction management for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-treq 24.9.1-2 A requests-like API built on top of twisted.web's Agent 2024-12-22
any world python-trio 0.26.2-2 A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O 2024-12-22
any world python-trio-asyncio 0.14.0-4 A re-implementation of the asyncio mainloop on top of Trio 2024-12-22
any world python-trove-classifiers 2025.1.6.15-1 Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (pypi.org) 2025-01-17
any world python-trustme 1.2.0-2 Library for fake certificate authority (CA) to generate fake TLS certs 2024-12-22
any world python-truststore 0.10.0-3 Verify certificates using OS trust stores 2024-12-28
any world python-twisted 24.3.0-4 Asynchronous networking framework written in Python 2024-12-22
any world python-txaio 23.1.1-5 Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius 2024-12-22
any world python-txredisapi 1.4.7-7 Non-blocking redis client for python 2024-12-22
any world python-txrequests 0.9.6-11 Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans using twisted 2024-12-22
any world python-txtorcon 23.11.0-4 A Twisted-based Python asynchronous controller library for Tor 2024-12-22
any world python-typeguard 4.4.1-1 Run-time type checker for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-types-python-dateutil Typing stubs for python-dateutil 2024-12-22
any world python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-3 Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+ 2024-12-22
any world python-typing_inspect 0.9.0-4 Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module 2024-12-22
any world python-typogrify 2.0.7-16 filters to make caring about typography on the web a bit easier 2024-12-22
any world python-tzdata 2024.2-2 Provider of IANA time zone data 2024-12-22
any world python-tzlocal 1:5.2-3 Tzinfo object for the local timezone 2024-12-22
any world python-u-msgpack 2.8.0-3 portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-3 Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects 2024-12-22
any world python-ufolib2 0.17.0-2 A library to deal with UFO font sources 2024-12-22
any world python-ukpostcodeparser 1.1.2-13 UK Postcode parser 2024-12-22
any world python-ulid 3.0.0-2 ULID implementation for Python 2024-12-22
any world python-uncertainties 3.2.2-2 Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka error propagation); fast calculation of derivatives. 2024-12-22
any world python-unearth 0.17.2-4 A utility to fetch and download python packages 2024-12-28
any world python-unidecode 1.3.8-4 ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 2024-12-22
any world python-unidiff 0.7.5-5 Simple Python library to parse and interact with unified diff data 2024-12-22
any world python-unittest-mixins 1.6-13 Helpful mixins for unittest classes 2024-12-22
any world python-unpaddedbase64 2.1.0-7 Unpadded Base64 2024-12-22
any world python-update-checker 0.18.0-8 A python module that will check for package updates 2024-12-22
any world python-uri-template 1.3.0-4 An implementation of RFC 6570 URI Templates 2024-12-22
any world python-uritemplate 4.1.1-6 a Python implementation of RFC6570 2024-12-22
any world python-urllib3 2.3.0-1 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post support 2025-01-03
any world python-urllib3-doc 1.26.18-1 urllib3 Documentation 2024-12-10
any world python-userpath 1.9.2-3 Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH, no elevated privileges required! 2024-12-22
any world python-validate-email 1.3-12 Validate_email verify if an email address is valid and really exists. 2024-12-22
any world python-validate-pyproject 0.23-1 Validation library and CLI tool for checking on 'pyproject.toml' files using JSON Schema 2025-01-14
any world python-validators 0.20.4-2 Python Data Validation for Humans 2024-12-22
any world python-vcrpy 6.0.1-4 Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing 2024-12-28
any world python-versioneer 0.29-3.1 A tool for managing a recorded version number in setuptools-based python projects 2024-12-22
any world python-versioningit 3.1.2-2 Versioning It with your Version In Git 2024-12-22
any world python-vine 5.1.0-6 Promises, promises, promises 2024-12-22
any world python-virtualenv 20.28.0-1 Virtual Python Environment builder 2024-12-30
any world python-virtualenv-clone 0.5.7-6 A script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv. 2024-12-22
any world python-vistir 0.8.0-5 Miscellaneous utilities for dealing with filesystems, paths, projects, subprocesses, and more 2024-12-22
any world python-vobject 0.9.9-1 Module for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files 2024-12-22
any world python-volatile 2.1.0-6 A small extension for the tempfile module 2024-12-22
any world python-voluptuous 0.14.2-3 A Python data validation library 2024-12-22

3646 matching packages found. Page 27 of 37.

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