3654 matching packages found. Page 25 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world python-pytest-celery 1.1.3-2 A shim pytest plugin to enable celery.contrib.pytest 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-click 1.1.0-5 pytest plugin for Click 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-console-scripts 1.4.1-3 Pytest plugin for testing console scripts 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-cov 6.0.0-1 py.test plugin for coverage reporting with support for both centralised and distributed testing, including subprocesses and multiprocessing 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-datadir 1.5.0-3 pytest plugin for test data directories and files 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-datafiles 3.0.0-4 py.test plugin to create a 'tmpdir' containing predefined files/directories. 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-dependency 0.6.0-3 Manage dependencies of tests 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-django 4.9.0-1 A Django plugin for py.test 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-enabler 3.3.0-2 Enable installed pytest plugins 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-env 1.1.5-1 pytest plugin to set environment variables in pytest.ini or pyproject.toml file 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-examples 0.0.15-1 Pytest plugin for testing examples in docstrings and markdown files 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-expect 1.1.0-12 py.test plugin to store test expectations and mark tests based on them 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-forked 1.6.0-5 run tests in isolated forked subprocesses 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-freezer 0.4.8-3 Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for freezegun 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-home 0.6.0-2 Home directory fixtures 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-httpbin 2.1.0-1 A py.test fixture for httpbining code 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-httpserver 1.1.2-1 Http server for pytest to test http clients 2025-02-26
any world python-pytest-httpx 0.35.0-1 Send responses to httpx 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-ignore-flaky 2.2.1-2 Ignore failures from flaky tests (pytest plugin) 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-instafail 0.5.0-1 py.test plugin to show failures instantly 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-isort 4.0.0-2 pytest plugin to perform isort checks (import ordering) 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-jupyter 0.10.1-3 A pytest plugin for testing Jupyter core libraries and extensions 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-lazy-fixture 0.6.3-8 Use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-lazy-fixtures 1.1.1-2 Use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-localserver 0.8.1-4 py.test plugin to test server connections locally 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-mock 3.14.0-2 Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-mpi 0.6-6 pytest plugin for working with MPI 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-mpl 0.17.0-3 Pytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-mypy 0.10.3-7 Mypy static type checker plugin for Pytest 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-mypy-testing 0.1.3-3 Plugin to test mypy output with pytest 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-order 1.3.0-1 pytest plugin that allows to customize the test execution order 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-ordering 0.6-8 pytest plugin to run your tests in a specific order 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-pacman 0.1.1-3.1 pacman db pytest fixture 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-param-files 0.6.0-4 Create pytest parametrize decorators from external files 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-playwright 0.7.0-1 Pytest plugin to write end-to-end browser tests with Playwright 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-pretty 1.2.0-3 Pytest plugin for pretty printing the test summary 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-qt 4.4.0-4 pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-randomly 3.16.0-1 Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-regressions 2.5.0-3 Pytest plugin for regression testing 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-relaxed 2.0.2-3 Relaxed test discovery for pytest 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-repeat 0.9.3-2 pytest plugin for repeating test execution 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-rerunfailures 15.0-1 A plugin for py.test that re-runs failed tests to eliminate intermittent failures 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-ruff 0.4.1-2 Pytest plugin to check ruff requirements 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-services 2.2.1-12 Services plugin for pytest testing framework 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-snapshot 0.9.0-3 A plugin for snapshot testing with pytest. 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-socket 0.7.0-6 Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-subprocess 1.5.3-2 Pytest plugin to fake subprocess 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-subtesthack 0.2.0-4 A hack to explicitly set up and tear down fixtures 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-subtests 0.14.1-1 unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-sugar 1.0.0-5 A plugin for py.test that changes the default look and feel of py.test 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-testinfra 10.1.1-4 Testinfra test your infrastructures 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-timeout 2.3.1-4 py.test plugin to abort hanging tests 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-tornado 0.8.1-9 A py.test plugin providing fixtures and markers to simplify testing of asynchronous tornado applications. 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-tornasync 0.6.0.post2-7 py.test plugin for testing Python 3.5+ Tornado code 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-trio 0.8.0-8 Pytest plugin for Trio 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-twisted 1.14.3-2 A twisted plugin for py.test 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-vcr 1.0.2-9 Py.test plugin for managing VCR.py cassettes 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-xdist 3.6.1-2 py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes 2025-02-18
any world python-pytest-xprocess 1.0.1-2 Pytest plugin to manage external processes across test runs. 2025-02-18
any world python-python-multipart 0.0.20-1 streaming multipart parser for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-python-socks 2.7.1-1 Core proxy client (SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTP) functionality for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-pythran 0.17.0-2 Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels 2025-02-18
any world python-pytoolconfig 1.3.1-3 Manage configuration for python tools, such as black and rope. 2025-02-18
any world python-pytools 2024.1.5-2 A collection of tools for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-pytrie 0.4.0-8 A pure Python implementation of the trie data structure. 2025-02-18
any world python-pytz 2025.1-1 Cross platform time zone library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-pytzdata 2020.1-10 Official timezone database for Python. 2025-02-18
any world python-pyu2f 0.1.5-9 U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device over USB 2025-02-18
any world python-pyudev 0.24.3-2 Python bindings to libudev 2025-02-18
any world python-pyusb 1.2.1-6 USB access on Python 2025-02-18
any world python-pyvirtualdisplay 3.0-6 Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc 2025-02-18
any world python-pywal 3.3.0-10 Generate and change colorschemes on the fly 2025-02-18
any world python-pywinrm 0.5.0-2 Python library for Windows Remote Management 2025-02-18
any world python-pyxbe 1.0.3-1 Library to work with XBE files, the executable file format for the original Xbox game console 2025-02-18
any world python-pyxdg 0.28-4 Python library to access freedesktop.org standards 2025-02-18
any world python-pyyaml-env-tag 0.1-2 A custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files 2025-02-18
any world python-qdarkstyle 3.2.3-4 Dark style sheet for QtWidgets application 2025-02-18
any world python-qrcode 8.0-1 Python library to generate QR codes 2025-02-20
any world python-qtpy 2.4.3-1 Provides an uniform layer to support PyQt5 and PySide2 with a single codebase 2025-02-18
any world python-quart 0.20.0-1 A Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask 2025-02-18
any world python-quart-trio 0.12.0-1 Extension for Quart to support the Trio event loop 2025-02-18
any world python-railroad-diagrams 3.0.1-4 Generate SVG railroad syntax diagrams, like on JSON.org. 2025-02-18
any world python-rdflib 7.1.1-2 A Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information 2025-02-18
any world python-re-assert 1.1.0-7 Provides a helper class to make assertions of regexes simpler 2025-02-18
any world python-reactivex 4.0.4-7 Reactive Extensions for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-readme-renderer 44.0-1 Safely render long_description/README files in Warehouse 2025-02-18
any world python-redis 5.2.1-2 The Python interface to the Redis key-value store 2025-02-18
any world python-referencing 0.35.1-3 An implementation-agnostic implementation of JSON reference resolution 2025-02-18
any world python-reportlab 4.2.2-5 A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution 2025-02-18
any world python-repoze.lru 0.7-12 A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator 2025-02-18
any world python-requests 2.32.3-4 Python HTTP for Humans 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-aws4auth 1.3.1-1 Amazon Web Services version 4 authentication for the Python Requests module 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-credssp 2.0.0-4 HTTPS CredSSP authentication with the requests library 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-file 2.1.0-2 File transport adapter for Requests 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-futures 1.0.1-3 Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans using Futures 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-gssapi 1.3.0-1 GSSAPI (HTTP Negotiate) authentication for Python-Requests 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-kerberos 0.14.0-6 A kerberos of useful classes and functions to be used with python-requests. 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-mock 1.12.1-1 A mock of useful classes and functions to be used with python-requests. 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-ntlm 1.3.0-1 Allows for HTTP NTLM authentication using the requests library 2025-02-18
any world python-requests-oauthlib 1.3.1-5 First-class OAuth library support for Requests 2025-02-18

3654 matching packages found. Page 25 of 37.

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