any |
world |
python-nose |
1.3.7-18 |
A discovery-based unittest extension |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-nose2 |
0.15.1-2 |
The next generation of nicer testing for python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-notify2 |
0.3.1-11 |
Python interface to DBus notifications |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-nspektr |
0.5.0-3 |
A distribution package dependency inspector |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-ntlm-auth |
1.5.0-10 |
Creates NTLM authentication structures |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oauth2client |
4.1.3-11 |
A client library for OAuth 2.0 |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oauthlib |
3.2.2-4 |
A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-objgraph |
3.6.2-2 |
Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-odfpy |
1.4.2-6 |
Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openai |
1.65.3-1 |
Python client library for the OpenAI API |
2025-03-06 |
any |
world |
python-openapi-core |
0.19.4-6 |
Client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3 |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openapi-schema-validator |
0.6.3-1 |
OpenAPI schema validation for Python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openapi-spec-validator |
0.7.1-3 |
OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3 spec validator |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-opengl |
3.1.7-2 |
The cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openid |
3.2.0-9 |
Python 3 port of the python2-openid library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openpyxl |
3.1.5-2 |
A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-openstacksdk |
3.3.0-2 |
An SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-opt_einsum |
3.4.0-1 |
Optimizing einsum functions in NumPy, Tensorflow, Dask, and more with contraction order optimization |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-optree |
0.13.1-2 |
Optimized PyTree Utilities |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-ordered-set |
4.1.0-7 |
A MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every entry has an index |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-orderedmultidict |
1.0.1-13 |
Ordered multivalue dictionary that retains method parity with dict. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-os-client-config |
2.1.0-10 |
OpenStack Client Configuation Library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-os-service-types |
1.7.0-17 |
Python library for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-osc-lib |
3.1.0-2 |
OpenStackClient Library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oscrypto |
1.3.0-7 |
Compiler-free Python crypto library backed by the OS |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-concurrency |
6.0.0-3 |
OpenStack library for all concurrency-related code |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-config |
9.4.0-4 |
parsing command line arguments and .ini style configuration files |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-context |
5.7.0-1 |
OpenStack Context library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-db |
12.3.2-4 |
OpenStack Database Pattern Library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-i18n |
6.4.0-2 |
Oslo i18n library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-log |
6.2.0-1 |
Oslo Logging Library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-serialization |
5.5.0-2 |
Oslo Serialization library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslo-utils |
7.1.0-3 |
Oslo Utility library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-oslotest |
5.0.0-3 |
Oslo test framework |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-outcome |
1.3.0.post0-5 |
Capture the outcome of Python function calls |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-overrides |
7.7.0-3 |
A decorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-owslib |
0.32.0-1 |
Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service interface standards, and their related content models |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-packaging |
24.2-3 |
Core utilities for Python packages |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pallets-sphinx-themes |
2.3.0-2 |
Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pam |
2.0.2-4 |
Pure Python interface to the Pluggable Authentication Modules system on Linux |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pandas-datareader |
0.10.0-5 |
Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pandocfilters |
1.5.1-3 |
A python module for writing pandoc filters |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parameterized |
0.9.0-2 |
Parameterized testing with any Python test framework |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-paramiko |
3.5.0-1 |
Python module that implements the SSH2 protocol |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parse |
1.20.2-2 |
Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parse-type |
0.6.2-5 |
Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parsedatetime |
2.6-10 |
Parse human-readable date/time strings. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parso |
1:0.8.4-3 |
Python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing for different Python versions |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-partd |
1.4.2-1 |
Concurrent appendable key-value storage |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-parver |
0.5-3 |
Parse and manipulate version numbers |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-passlib |
1.7.4-10 |
A password hashing library for Python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pasta |
0.2.0-9 |
Library to refactor python code through AST manipulation |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-paste |
3.10.1-4 |
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pastedeploy |
3.1-2 |
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pastel |
0.2.1-8 |
Bring colors to your terminal |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-path |
16.10.1-2 |
A module wrapper for os.path |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pathable |
0.4.3-4 |
Object-oriented paths |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pathspec |
0.12.1-3 |
Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-patsy |
1.0.1-2 |
A Python package for describing statistical models using symbolic formulas |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pbkdf2 |
1.3-13 |
Password-based key derivation function PBKDF2 |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pbr |
6.1.0-2 |
Python Build Reasonableness |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pbs-installer |
2025.02.12-1 |
Installer for Python Build Standalone |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pdfrw |
0.4-10 |
Convert restructured text to PDF via reportlab. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pdm |
2.22.3-1 |
A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pdm-backend |
2.4.3-2 |
The build backend used by PDM that supports latest packaging standards |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pdm-build-locked |
0.3.2-3 |
A pdm plugin to publish locked dependencies as optional-dependencies |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pecan |
1.5.1-3 |
A WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast with few dependencies. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pefile |
2024.8.26-1 |
Python PE parsing module |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pep440 |
0.1.2-5 |
A simple package with utils to check whether versions number match PEP 440 |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-perf |
2.6.3-2 |
Toolkit to run Python benchmarks |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pexpect |
4.9.0-4 |
For controlling and automating applications |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-phonenumbers |
8.13.53-1 |
Python version of Google's common library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers |
2025-02-26 |
any |
world |
python-pickleshare |
0.7.5-11 |
File system based database that uses python pickles |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pika |
1.3.2-3 |
Pure Python RabbitMQ/AMQP 0-9-1 client library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pint |
0.24.4-1 |
A unit library for Python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pip |
25.0.1-1 |
The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pipenv |
2024.4.1-1 |
Sacred Marriage of Pipfile, Pip, & Virtualenv. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pipenv-to-requirements |
0.9.0-10 |
Generate requirements[-dev].txt from Pipfile using pipenv |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pipx |
1.7.1-2 |
Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pixelmatch |
0.3.0-2 |
A pixel-level image comparison library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pkgconfig |
1.5.5-7 |
Python module to interface with the pkg-config command line tool |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pkginfo |
1.12.0-1 |
Query metadata from sdists / bdists / installed packages |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-platformdirs |
4.3.6-2 |
A library to determine platform-specific system directories |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-playwright |
1.50.0-1 |
A Python library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit browsers with a single API |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-plette |
2.1.0-2 |
Structured Pipfile and Pipfile.lock models |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pluggy |
1.5.0-3 |
Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-plumbum |
1.9.0-2 |
A small yet feature-rich Python library for shell script-like programs, and more |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-ply |
3.11-14 |
Implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-poetry |
2.1.1-1 |
Python dependency management and packaging made easy |
2025-02-20 |
any |
world |
python-poetry-core |
2.1.1-1 |
Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend & Core Utilities |
2025-02-20 |
any |
world |
python-poetry-dynamic-versioning |
1.4.1-2 |
Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-poetry-plugin-export |
1.8.0-3 |
Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-polib |
1.2.0-3 |
A library to manipulate gettext files |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pooch |
1.8.2-4 |
Python library for fetching and caching data files |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pook |
1.2.1-4 |
Versatile and expressive HTTP traffic mocking and testing made simple in Python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-portend |
3.2.0-3 |
Use portend to monitor TCP ports for bound or unbound states. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-pprofile |
2.2.0-2 |
Line-granularity, thread-aware deterministic and statistic pure-python profiler |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-praw |
7.7.1-4 |
Python Reddit API Wrapper that allows for simple access to Reddit's API |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-prawcore |
2.4.0-5 |
Low-level communication layer for PRAW 4+. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
python-precis_i18n |
1.1.1-2 |
PRECIS framework (RFC 8264, RFC 8265, RFC 8266) |
2025-02-18 |