3654 matching packages found. Page 22 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world python-junit-xml 1.9-9 A Python module for creating JUnit XML test result documents 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-client 8.6.3-3 Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-core 5.7.2-3.1 Jupyter core package. A base package on which Jupyter projects rely 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-events 0.12.0-1 Configurable event system for Jupyter applications and extensions 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-packaging 0.12.3-6 Jupyter Packaging Utilities 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-server-terminals 0.5.3-3 A Jupyter Server extension providing terminals 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyter-ydoc 3.0.3-1 Document structures for collaborative editing using Ypy 2025-02-18
any world python-jupyterlab-server 2.27.3-3 Launch an application built using JupyterLab 2025-02-18
any world python-jwcrypto 1.5.6-3 Python implementation of JWK, JWS, JWE specifications 2025-02-18
any world python-k5test 0.10.4-4 Library for setting up self-contained Kerberos 5 environments 2025-02-18
any world python-kaitaistruct 0.10-7 Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data: runtime library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-kajiki 0.9.2-4 Python XML-based template engine with Genshi-like syntax and Jinja-style blocks 2025-02-18
any world python-kazoo 2.10.0-4 A high-level Python library that makes it easier to use Apache Zookeeper 2025-02-18
any world python-keras-applications 1.0.8-11 Applications module of the Keras deep learning library 2025-02-18
any world python-keras-preprocessing 1.1.2-9 Preprocessing module of the Keras deep learning library 2025-02-18
any world python-keyring 25.5.0-3 Store and access your passwords safely 2025-02-18
any world python-keyrings-alt 1:5.0.2-1 Alternate keyring implementations 2025-02-18
any world python-keystoneauth1 5.8.0-2 Authentication Library for OpenStack Identity 2025-02-18
any world python-kombu 5.4.2-4 A messaging library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-kubernetes 32.0.1-1 Python client for the kubernetes API 2025-03-06
any world python-lark-parser 1.2.2-3 A modern parsing library 2025-02-18
any world python-lazr.config 3.1-2 Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations 2025-02-20
any world python-lazr.delegates 2.1.1-1 Easily write objects that delegate behavior 2025-02-20
any world python-ldap3 2.9.1-8 A strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library 2025-02-18
any world python-legacy-cgi 2.6.2-1 Fork of the standard library cgi and cgitb modules, being deprecated in PEP-594 2025-02-18
any world python-lexicon 2.0.1-5 Powerful dict subclass(es) with aliasing & attribute access 2025-02-18
any world python-libarchive-c 5.1-4 Python interface to libarchive 2025-02-18
any world python-libevdev 0.11-5 Python wrapper for libevdev 2025-02-18
any world python-libtmux 0.44.2-1 Python api for tmux 2025-02-20
any world-gremlins python-libtmux 0.46.0-1 Python api for tmux 2025-03-04
any world python-libusb1 3.1.0-4 Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1 2025-02-18
any world python-libvcs 0.30.1-2 Lite, typed, pythonic utilities for git, svn, mercurial, etc 2025-02-18
any world python-license-expression 30.4.0-1 Utility to parse, normalize and compare license expressions 2025-02-18
any world python-linetable 0.0.3-6 Library to parse and generate co_linetable attributes in Python code objects 2025-02-18
any world python-linkify-it-py 2.0.3-5 Links recognition library with full unicode support 2025-02-18
any world python-littleutils 0.2.4-2.1 Small personal collection of python utility functions 2025-02-18
any world python-localzone 0.9.8-6 A simple library for managing DNS zones 2025-02-18
any world python-locket 1.0.0-5 File-based locks for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-lockfile 0.12.2-14 Platform-independent file locking module 2025-02-18
any world python-loguru 0.7.2-3 Python logging made (stupidly) simple 2025-02-18
any world python-logutils 0.3.5-14 Python module to parse metadata in video files. 2025-02-18
any world python-lsp-black 2.0.0-4 python-lsp-server plugin that adds support to black autoformatter, forked from pyls-black 2025-02-18
any world python-lsp-jsonrpc 1.1.2-5 Fork of the python-jsonrpc-server project, maintained by the Spyder IDE team and the community 2025-02-18
any world python-lsp-server 1.12.2-1 Fork of the python-language-server project, maintained by the Spyder IDE team and the community 2025-02-18
any world python-lsprotocol 2023.0.1-3 Python types for Language Server Protocol 2025-02-18
any world python-magic 1:0.4.27-5 A python wrapper for libmagic 2025-02-18
any world python-magic-filter 1.0.12-4 A filter package based on dynamic attribute getter 2025-02-18
any world python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server 0.5.1-2 the rendezvous/mailbox server for magic-wormhole clients 2025-02-18
any world python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay 0.4.0-2 transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole 2025-02-18
any world python-mailcap 3.13.0-2 Standard library mailcap redistribution. "dead battery". 2025-02-18
any world python-mailmanclient 3.3.5-7 Official Python bindings for the GNU Mailman 3 REST API 2025-02-18
any world python-mako 1.3.9-1 A template library written in Python 2025-02-18
any world python-manuel 1.12.4-8 Manuel lets you build tested documentation 2025-02-18
any world python-markdown 3.7-2 Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown 2025-02-18
any world python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-4 Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right! 2025-02-18
any world python-marshmallow 3.20.2-4 A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes. 2025-02-18
any world python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-2 Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter 2025-02-18
any world python-matrix-common 1.3.0-6 Common code for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal 2025-02-18
any world python-mccabe 0.7.0-8 McCabe complexity checker for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-mdit_py_plugins 0.4.2-2 Collection of core plugins for markdown-it-py 2025-02-18
any world python-mdurl 0.1.2-8 URL utilities for markdown-it 2025-02-18
any world python-mechanize 1:0.4.10-2 Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python 2025-02-18
any world python-mediafile 0.13.0-1 Elegant audio file tagging 2025-02-18
any world python-memcached 1.62-3 Python interface to memcached 2025-02-18
any world python-merge3 0.0.15-2 Python implementation of 3-way merge 2025-02-18
any world python-mergedeep 1.3.4-3 A deep merge function for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-mimeparse 2.0.0-2 Module of basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges 2025-02-18
any world python-minidump 0.0.24-1 Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format 2025-02-18
any world python-mistune 1:3.1.2-1 A fast yet powerful Python Markdown parser with renderers and plugins 2025-02-20
any world python-mongoengine 0.29.1-2 A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB 2025-02-18
any world python-mongomock 4.0.0-6 Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code 2025-02-18
any world python-monotonic 1.6-6 An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-more-itertools 10.6.0-1 More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 2025-03-02
any world python-moreorless 0.4.0-8 Python diff wrapper 2025-02-18
any world python-moto 5.0.28-1 Moto is a library to mock out the boto library. 2025-02-18
any world python-motor 3.7.0-1 Async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio 2025-02-18
any world python-mpd2 3.1.1-3 Python library which provides a client interface for the Music Player Daemon 2025-02-18
any world python-mpmath 1.3.0-4 Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic. 2025-02-18
any world python-mss 10.0.0-2 Ultra fast cross-platform multiple screenshots module 2025-02-18
any world python-mujson 1.4-8 Use the fastest JSON functions available at import time 2025-02-18
any world python-multipart 1.2.1-1 Parser for multipart/form-data 2025-02-18
any world python-munch 4.0.0-3 A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) 2025-02-18
any world python-munkres 1.1.4-6 Munkres algorithm for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-musicbrainzngs 0.7.1-8 Python bindings for Musicbrainz' NGS webservice 2025-02-18
any world python-mutagen 1.47.0-3 An audio metadata tag reader and writer (python library) 2025-02-18
any world python-mypy_extensions 1.0.0-5 Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker 2025-02-18
any world python-mysql-connector 9.2.0-1 A standardized database driver for Python platforms and development 2025-02-18
any world python-myst-parser 4.0.1-1 An extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to docutils/sphinx 2025-02-18
any world python-natsort 8.4.0-3 Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python 2025-02-18
any world python-nbxmpp 6.0.1-1 A Python library to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking way 2025-03-06
any world python-ndg-httpsclient 0.5.1-15 Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL 2025-02-18
any world python-nest-asyncio 1.6.0-4 Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops 2025-02-18
any world python-netaddr 1.3.0-1 Pure Python network address representation and manipulation library 2025-02-18
any world python-nethsm-sdk-py 1.2.1-2 Client-side Python SDK for NetHSM 2025-02-18
any world python-networkx 3.4.2-1 Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. 2025-02-18
any world python-nitrokey 0.2.4-1 Python SDK for Nitrokey devices 2025-02-18
any world python-nkdfu 0.2-5 Python tool for Nitrokeys' firmware update 2025-02-18
any world python-nntplib 3.13.0-2 Standard library nntplib redistribution. "dead battery". 2025-02-18
any world python-nodeenv 1.8.0-4 Node.js virtual environment builder 2025-02-18
any world python-noiseprotocol 0.3.1-3 A Python implementation of Noise Protocol Framework 2025-02-18

3654 matching packages found. Page 22 of 37.

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