3654 matching packages found. Page 20 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world python-dnspython 1:2.7.0-1 A DNS toolkit for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-docker 7.1.0-3 A Python library for the Docker Engine API 2025-02-18
any world python-docopt 0.6.2-14 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2025-02-18
any world python-docstring-to-markdown 0.15-3 On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown 2025-02-18
any world python-docutils 1:0.21.2-3 Set of tools for processing plaintext docs into formats such as HTML, XML, or LaTeX 2025-02-18
any world python-docutils-stubs 0.0.22-4 PEP 561 based Type information for docutils 2025-02-18
any world python-dogpile.cache 1.3.3-2 A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock 2025-02-18
any world python-dotenv 1.0.1-3 Get and set values in your .env file in local and production servers 2025-02-18
any world python-dpcontracts 0.6.0-13 A simple implementation of contracts for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-dropbox 12.0.2-2 Python SDK for Dropbox Core APIs 2025-02-18
any world python-dunamai 1.23.0-1 A library for producing dynamic version strings, derived from VCS tags 2025-02-18
any world python-durationpy 0.9-2 Module for converting between datetime.timedelta and Go's time.Duration strings 2025-02-18
any world python-easyprocess 1.1-5 Easy to use python subprocess interface 2025-02-18
any world python-ecdsa 0.19.0-2 Implementation of ECDSA in Python 2025-02-18
any world python-editables 0.5-5 Python library for creating editable wheels 2025-02-18
any world python-editor 1.0.4-11 Programmatically open an editor, capture the result 2025-02-18
any world python-elastic-transport 8.17.0-1 Transport classes and utilities shared among Python Elastic client libraries 2025-02-18
any world python-elasticsearch 8.17.2-1 Official Python client for Elasticsearch 2025-03-06
any world python-elementpath 4.7.0-1 XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml 2025-02-18
any world python-email-validator 2.2.0-2 A robust email address syntax and deliverability validation library 2025-02-18
any world python-emoji 2.14.1-1 Emoji for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-engineio 4.9.1-3 Python implementation of the Engine.IO realtime server 2025-02-18
any world python-enrich 1.3.0-2 Extends rich library functionality with a set of changes that were not accepted 2025-02-18
any world python-entrypoint2 1.1-6 Easy to use command-line interface for python modules 2025-02-18
any world python-entrypoints 0.4-6 Discover and load entry points from installed packages. 2025-02-18
any world python-ephemeral-port-reserve 1.1.4-6 Bind to an ephemeral port 2025-02-18
any world python-et-xmlfile 2.0.0-2 A low memory library for creating large XML files 2025-02-18
any world python-eventlet 0.38.0-1 Highly concurrent networking library 2025-02-18
any world python-exceptiongroup 1.2.2-1 Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) 2025-02-18
any world python-execnet 2.1.1-4.2 Rapid multi-Python deployment 2025-02-18
any world python-executing 2.2.0-1 Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information 2025-02-18
any world python-expandvars 0.12.0-3 Expand system variables Unix style 2025-02-18
any world python-extras 1.0.0-13 Useful extra bits for Python - things that should be in the standard library 2025-02-18
any world python-factory-boy 3.3.0-7 A versatile test fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_bot for Ruby 2025-02-18
any world python-faker 34.0.0-1 Faker generates fake data for you. 2025-03-06
any world python-fakeredis 2.27.0-1 Fake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes 2025-02-18
any world python-fastapi 0.115.11-1 FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production 2025-03-03
any world python-fasteners 0.19-4 A python package that provides useful locks. 2025-02-18
any world python-fastimport 0.9.14-6 VCS fastimport/fastexport parser 2025-02-18
any world python-fastjsonschema 2.21.1-1 Fast JSON schema validator for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-feedgen 1.0.0-3 Python module to generate ATOM feeds, RSS feeds and Podcasts 2025-02-18
any world python-feedgenerator 2.1.0-6 Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator (python3). 2025-02-18
any world python-feedparser 6.0.11-3 Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python 2025-02-18
any world python-fido2 1.2.0-1 Library for FIDO 2.0, including communication with a device over USBA 2025-02-18
any world python-fields 5.0.0-18 A totally different take on container boilerplate 2025-02-18
any world python-filebytes 0.10.2-9 Library to read and edit executable binary files 2025-02-18
any world python-filelock 3.17.0-1 A platform independent file lock 2025-02-18
any world python-filetype 1.2.0-6 Infer file type and MIME type of any file/buffer 2025-02-18
any world python-findpython 0.6.2-2 A utility to find python versions on your system 2025-02-18
any world python-fire 0.7.0-2 A library for automatically generating command line interfaces 2025-02-18
any world python-fissix 24.4.24-1 Backport of lib2to3, with enhancements 2025-02-18
any world python-fixtures 4.2.3-1 Python fixtures for testing / resource management 2025-03-06
any world python-flake8-black 0.3.6-5 Flake8 plugin to call black as a code style validator 2025-02-18
any world python-flake8-docstrings 1.7.0-3 Plugin to flake8 to include checks provided by pydocstyle 2025-02-18
any world python-flaky 3.8.1-2 Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests 2025-02-18
any world python-flasgger Extract swagger specs from your flask project 2025-02-18
any world python-flask 3.1.0-1 Micro webdevelopment framework for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-compress 1.14-4 Compress responses in your Flask app 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-cors 5.0.0-3 A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-login 0.6.3-7 User session management for Flask 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-restful 0.3.10-4 Simple framework for creating REST APIs 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-socketio 5.3.6-4 Socket.IO integration for Flask applications 2025-02-18
any world python-flask-sqlalchemy 3.1.1-4 Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application 2025-02-18
any world python-flex 6.14.1-13 Swagger schema validator 2025-02-18
any world python-flexcache 0.3-3 A robust and extensible package to cache on disk the result of expensive calculations. 2025-02-18
any world python-flexmock 0.12.1-2 Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-flexparser 0.4-1 A parser by hgrecco 2025-02-18
any world python-flit 3.9.0-3 Simplified packaging of Python modules 2025-02-18
any world python-flit-core 3.11.0-1 A PEP 517 build backend for packages using Flit 2025-02-20
any world python-flit-scm 1.7.0-6 A PEP 518 backend using setuptools_scm to generate a version file, then flit to build 2025-02-18
any world python-flufl-lock 8.1.0-3 NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-flufl.bounce 4.0-6 Email bounce detectors 2025-02-18
any world python-flufl.i18n 5.1.0-3 A high level API for internationalization 2025-02-18
any world python-fluidity 0.2.1-6 Fluidity: state machine implementation for Python objects 2025-02-18
any world python-flup 1.0.3-11 Random assortment of WSGI servers 2025-02-18
any world python-fqdn 1.5.1-4 RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-freezegun 1.5.1-2 Let your Python tests travel through time 2025-02-18
any world python-frozendict 1:2.4.0-3 An immutable dictionary 2025-02-18
any world python-fs 2.4.16-5 Filesystem abstraction layer 2025-02-18
any world python-fsspec 2025.2.0-1 Specification that python filesystems should adhere to 2025-02-18
any world python-funcparserlib 1.0.1-4 Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators 2025-02-18
any world python-furl 2.1.3-6 A small Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy 2025-02-18
any world python-gast 0.6.0-2 AST that abstracts the underlying Python version 2025-02-18
any world python-gcp-devrel-py-tools 0.0.16-8 Tools for Cloud Platform Python libraries and samples 2025-02-18
any world python-geographiclib 2.0-6 Python implementation of the geodesic routines in GeographicLib 2025-02-18
any world python-geoip2 5.0.0-1 MaxMind GeoIP2 API 2025-02-26
any world python-geopandas 1.0.1-3 Python tools for geographic data 2025-02-18
any world python-geopy 2.4.1-4 Geocoding library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-gevent-websocket 0.10.1-11 WebSocket library for the gevent networking library 2025-02-18
any world python-gherkin 30.0.4-2 A parser and compiler for the Gherkin language 2025-02-18
any world python-ghp-import 2.1.0-4 Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch 2025-02-18
any world python-gitdb 1:4.0.11-4 A pure-Python git object database 2025-02-18
any world python-github3py 4.0.1-3 A comprehensive wrapper around the GitHub API (v3) 2025-02-18
any world python-gitlab 5.6.0-1 Python wrapper for the GitLab API 2025-02-18
any world python-gitpython 3.1.44-1 A python library used to interact with Git repositories 2025-03-06
any world python-glanceclient 4.7.0-2 OpenStack Image API Client Library 2025-02-18
any world python-gnupg 0.5.4-2 A wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG) 2025-02-18
any world python-google-api-core 2.19.1-2 Google API client core library 2025-02-18
any world python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-2 Google API Client Library for Python 2025-02-18
any world python-google-auth 2.38.0-1 Google Authentication Library 2025-02-18

3654 matching packages found. Page 20 of 37.

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