any |
world |
python-aiosmtpd |
1.4.6-2 |
An asyncio based SMTP server |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aiosqlite |
0.20.0-2 |
Asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aiounittest |
1.4.2-4 |
Test asyncio code more easily |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-alembic |
1.13.1-4 |
Lightweight database migration tool for usage with SQLAlchemy |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-amqp |
5.2.0-4 |
Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib) |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aniso8601 |
9.0.1-8 |
A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings. |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-annotated-types |
0.7.0-2 |
Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-ansi2html |
1.9.2-2 |
Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-ansible-compat |
25.0.0-1 |
Functions that help interacting with various versions of Ansible |
2025-01-17 |
any |
world |
python-antlr4 |
4.13.2-2 |
ANTLR4 runtime for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-anyio |
4.8.0-1 |
High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations |
2025-01-14 |
any |
world |
python-anyjson |
0.3.3-20 |
Wraps the best available JSON implementation available in a common interface |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-anysqlite |
0.0.5-3 |
Sqlite3 for asyncio and trio |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-apipkg |
3.0.2-4 |
Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-apispec |
6.8.0-1 |
A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification. |
2025-01-03 |
any |
world |
python-apispec-webframeworks |
1.2.0-1 |
Web framework plugins for apispec |
2025-01-03 |
any |
world |
python-appdirs |
1.4.4-11 |
A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-archinfo |
9.2.134-1 |
Classes with architecture-specific information useful to other projects |
2024-12-26 |
any |
world |
python-aresponses |
3.0.0-4 |
Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses library used for 'requests' |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-argcomplete |
3.4.0-2 |
Easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-argh |
0.31.3-1 |
An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-argon2-cffi |
23.1.0-3 |
Secure password hashing algorithm for Python |
2025-01-11 |
any |
world |
python-argparse-manpage |
4.6-2 |
Automatically build man-pages for your Python project |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-arpeggio |
2.0.2-4 |
Packrat parser interpreter |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-arpy |
2.3.0-5 |
Library for accessing ar files |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-arrow |
1.3.0-5 |
Better dates and times for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-asgiref |
3.8.1-2 |
Reference ASGI adapters and channel layers |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-asn1crypto |
1.5.1-5 |
Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aspectlib |
2.0.0-2 |
Development library for quickly writing configurable applications and daemons |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-asteval |
0.9.33-3 |
Minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-astor |
0.8.1-8 |
Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-astroid |
3.3.8-1 |
A common base representation of python source code |
2024-12-24 |
any |
world |
python-asttokens |
3.0.0-1 |
Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-astunparse |
1.6.3-9 |
An AST unparser for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-async-lru |
2.0.4-4 |
Simple LRU cache for asyncio |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-async-timeout |
4.0.3-6 |
Asyncio-compatible timeout class |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-atomicwrites |
1.4.1-5 |
Atomic file writes on POSIX |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-atpublic |
5.0-2 |
@public decorator for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-atspi |
2.46.1-3 |
Python bindings for D-Bus AT-SPI |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-attrdict |
2.0.1-8.1 |
A library that provides mapping objects that allow their elements to be accessed both as keys and as attributes |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-attrs |
23.2.0-4 |
Attributes without boilerplate. |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-auditwheel |
6.1.0-1 |
Auditing and relabeling cross-distribution Linux wheels |
2024-12-25 |
any |
world |
python-augeas |
1.1.0-9 |
Python bindings for Augeas |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-authheaders |
0.16.3-2 |
Library for the generation of email authentication headers |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-authlib |
1.4.0-2 |
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers & clients |
2024-12-31 |
any |
world |
python-authres |
1.2.0-11 |
Python Authentication-Results headers generation and parsing |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-autocommand |
2.2.2-7 |
A library to create a command-line program from a function |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-automat |
22.10.0-7 |
Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go. |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-autopage |
0.5.2-3 |
A library to provide automatic paging for console output |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-awesomeversion |
24.6.0-2 |
One version package to rule them all. |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aws-sam-translator |
1.94.0-2 |
AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) prescribes rules for expressing Serverless applications on AWS |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-aws-xray-sdk |
2.14.0-5 |
AWS X-Ray SDK for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-babel |
2.15.0-2 |
A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-beaker |
1.13.0-3 |
Caching and sessions WSGI middleware for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-beautifulsoup4 |
4.12.3-3 |
A Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-beniget |
0.4.2.post1-2 |
A static analyzer for Python code |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-betamax |
0.9.0-4 |
A VCR imitation for python-requests |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-betamax-matchers |
0.4.0-12 |
Experimental set of Matchers for Betamax that may possibly end up in the main package |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-betamax-serializers |
0.2.1-10 |
A set of third-party serializers for Betamax |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-bidict |
0.23.1-4 |
Bidirectional mapping library for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-big-o |
0.11.0-3 |
Empirical estimation of time complexity from execution time |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-binaryornot |
0.4.4-11 |
Ultra-lightweight pure Python package to check if a file is binary or text |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-bitstring |
4.3.0-1 |
A Python module to help you manage your bits |
2025-01-09 |
any |
world |
python-black |
24.10.0-3 |
Uncompromising Python code formatter |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-bleach |
6.2.0-2 |
An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-blessed |
1.20.0-7 |
A thin, practical wrapper around terminal styling, screen positioning, and keyboard input |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-blinker |
1.8.2-2 |
Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world | |
4.0-4 |
Implements boolean algebra in one module |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-boto3 |
1.35.93-1 |
The AWS SDK for Python |
2025-01-11 |
any |
world |
python-botocore |
1.35.93-1 |
A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services |
2025-01-11 |
any |
world |
python-bottle |
0.13.2-1 |
A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications |
2025-01-04 |
any |
world |
python-bowler |
0.9.0-9 |
Safe code refactoring for modern Python. |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-bracex |
2.5-2 |
Bash style brace expansion for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-breathe |
4.35.0-6 |
An extension to reStructuredText and Sphinx to be able to read and render Doxygen xml output |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-btchip |
0.1.32-5 |
Python library to communicate with BTChip dongle |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-build |
1.2.2-3 |
A simple, correct Python build frontend |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cachecontrol |
1:0.14.1-2 |
Port of the caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests session object |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cachelib |
0.13.0-2 |
A collection of cache libraries in the same API interface. Extracted from werkzeug |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cachetools |
5.5.0-2 |
Extensible memoizing collections and decorators |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cachy |
0.3.0-11 |
simple yet effective caching library |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cairocffi |
1.6.1-3 |
cffi-based cairo bindings for Python |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cairosvg |
2.7.1-4 |
SVG converter based on Cairo. It can export SVG files to PDF, PostScript and PNG files |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-calmjs |
3.4.4-4 |
Framework for building toolchains and utilities for working with the JavaScript/Node.js ecosystem |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-calmjs.parse |
1.3.2-2 |
Various parsers for ECMA standards |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-calmjs.types |
1.0.1-8 |
Base types for calmjs framework |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-calver |
2022.06.26-7 |
Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-canonicaljson |
2.0.0-5 |
Canonical JSON |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cattrs |
24.1.2-2 |
Complex custom class converters for attrs |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-celery |
5.4.0-2 |
Distributed Asynchronous Task Queue |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cerberus |
1.3.5-3 |
Lightweight, extensible schema and data validation tool for Python dictionaries |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-certifi |
2024.12.14-1 |
Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle (using system CA store) |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cfgv |
3.4.0-6 |
Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cfn-lint |
1.22.4-1 |
CloudFormation Linter |
2025-01-11 |
any |
world |
python-cgi |
3.13.0-2 |
Standard library cgi redistribution. "dead battery". |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-chardet |
5.2.0-6 |
Python3 module for character encoding auto-detection |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-charset-normalizer |
3.4.1-1 |
Encoding and language detection alternative to chardet |
2024-12-31 |
any |
world |
python-cheroot |
10.0.1-5 |
Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server |
2024-12-28 |
any |
world |
python-cherrypy |
18.10.0-2 |
A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-claripy |
9.2.101-2 |
Abstraction layer for constraint solvers |
2024-12-22 |
any |
world |
python-cleo |
1:2.1.0-1 |
create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces |
2024-12-26 |