3645 matching packages found. Page 15 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world perl-datetime-format-w3cdtf 0.08-4 Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings 2024-12-10
any world perl-datetime-locale 1.44-1 Localization support for DateTime.pm 2024-12-10
any world perl-datetime-timezone 2.63-1 Time zone object base class and factory 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-checkcompiler 0.07-12 Check the compiler's availability 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-checklib 1.16-4 Module to check if other perl modules are installed 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-cycle 1.12-5 Find memory cycles in objects 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-11 Expose the flag which marks global 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-stacktrace 2.05-2 An object representing a stack trace 2024-12-10
any world perl-devel-symdump 2.18-6 Perl symbol table access and dumping 2024-12-10
any world perl-digest-bubblebabble 0.02-11 Create bubble-babble fingerprints 2024-12-10
any world perl-digest-hmac 1.05-1 Perl Module: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication. 2024-12-16
any world perl-dist-checkconflicts 0.11-11 Declare version conflicts for your dist 2024-12-10
any world perl-encode-locale 1.05-13 Determine the locale encoding 2024-12-10
any world perl-env-shellwords 0.02-8 Environment variables for arguments as array 2024-12-10
any world perl-error 0.17029-7 Perl/CPAN Error module - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way 2024-12-10
any world perl-eval-closure 0.14-11 safely and cleanly create closures via string eval 2024-12-10
any world perl-exception-class 1.45-5 A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl 2024-12-10
any world perl-exporter-tiny 1.006002-4 an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-config 0.010-1 ExtUtils::Config - A wrapper for perl's configuration 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-cppguess 0.27-2 Guess C++ compiler and flags 2024-12-10
any galaxy perl-extutils-depends 0.8001-6 The Perl depends module 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-helpers 0.028-1 ExtUtils::Helpers - Various portability utilities for module builders 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-installpaths 0.014-1 ExtUtils::InstallPaths - Build.PL install path logic made easy 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-libbuilder 0.08-13 A tools to build C libraries 2024-12-10
any world perl-extutils-pkgconfig 1.16-13 The Perl Pkgconfig module 2024-12-10
any galaxy perl-extutils-pkgconfig 1.16-13 The Perl Pkgconfig module 2024-12-10
any world perl-fcgi-client 0.09-5 client library for fastcgi protocol 2024-12-10
any world perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-5 Check that a library is available for FFI 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6 a more sensible way to change directories 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-copy-recursive 0.45-8 Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-copy-recursive-reduced 0.008-3 Recursive copying of files and directories within Perl 5 toolchain 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-find-rule 0.34-12 Alternative interface to File::Find 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-find-rule-perl 1.16-5 Common rules for searching for Perl things 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-homedir 1.006-6 Find your home and other directories on any platform 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-listing 6.16-4 parse directory listing 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-next 1.18-7 File-finding iterator 2025-01-10
any world perl-file-remove 1.61-3 Remove files and directories 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-sharedir 1.118-5 Locate per-dist and per-module shared files 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-sharedir-install 0.14-4 File::ShareDir::Install - Install read-only data files from a distribution 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-slurp-tiny 0.004-11 A simple, sane and efficient file slurper 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-slurper 0.014-4 A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-tail 1.3-11 Perl extension for reading from continously updated files 2024-12-10
any world perl-file-which 1.27-5 Portable implementation of which 2024-12-10
any world perl-font-ttf 1.06-6 Font::TTF - Perl module for TrueType font hacking 2024-12-10
any galaxy perl-gtk3 0.038-5 Perl interface to the 3.x series of the GTK+ toolkit 2024-12-10
any world perl-hash-ordered 0.014-4 A fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class 2024-12-10
any world perl-hook-lexwrap 0.26-8 Lexically-scoped resource management 2024-12-10
any world perl-html-tagset 3.24-2 Data tables useful in parsing HTML 2024-12-10
any world perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-3 A minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar 2024-12-10
any world perl-http-cookies 6.11-2 HTTP cookie jars 2024-12-10
any world perl-http-daemon 6.16-4 Simple http server class 2024-12-10
any world perl-http-date 6.06-3 Date conversion routines 2024-12-10
any world perl-http-message 7.00-1 HTTP style messages 2024-12-26
any world perl-http-negotiate 6.01-14 Choose a variant to serve 2024-12-10
any world perl-image-exiftool 13.11-1 Reader and rewriter of EXIF information that supports raw files 2025-01-03
any world perl-image-info 1.44-3 Extract meta information from image files 2024-12-10
any world perl-import-into 1.002005-11 Import packages into other packages 2024-12-10
any world perl-importer 0.026-6 Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols. 2024-12-10
any world perl-inc-latest 0.500-13 Build, test, and install Perl modules 2024-12-10
any world perl-inline 0.86-2 Write Perl subroutines in other languages 2024-12-10
any world perl-inline-c 0.82-5 C Language Support for Inline 2024-12-10
any world perl-inline-cpp 0.80-8 Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++ 2024-12-10
any world perl-inline-filters 0.20-8 Common source code filters for Inline Modules 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-captureoutput 1.1105-7 capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-html 1.004-6 Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-multiplex 1.16-11 Perl/CPAN Module IO::Multiplex : Manage Input Output on many file handles 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-socket-inet6 2.73-5 Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-socket-ssl 2.089-1 Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET 2024-12-10
any world perl-io-stringy 2.113-2 I/O on in-core objects like strings/arrays 2024-12-10
any world perl-ipc-run 20231003.0-2 IPC::Run - system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys 2024-12-10
any world perl-ipc-run3 0.049-2 run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection 2024-12-10
any world perl-json 4.10-2 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder 2024-12-10
any world perl-libwww 6.77-2 The World-Wide Web library for Perl 2024-12-10
any world perl-lingua-en-inflect 1.905-6 Convert singular to plural. Select "a" or "an" 2024-12-10
any world perl-list-allutils 0.19-4 Perl package that combines List::Util and List::MoreUtils in one bite-sized package 2024-12-10
any world perl-list-moreutils 0.430-6 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util 2024-12-10
any world perl-list-someutils 0.59-4 Perl package that combines List::Util and List::MoreUtils in one bite-sized package 2024-12-10
any world perl-list-utilsby 0.12-4 Higher-order list utility functions 2024-12-10
any world perl-log-message 0.08-11 Powerful and flexible message logging mechanism 2024-12-10
any world perl-log-message-simple 0.10-11 Simplified interface to Log::Message 2024-12-10
any world perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-6 Guess the media type of a file or a URL 2024-12-10
any world perl-lwp-protocol-https 6.14-2 Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent 2024-12-10
any world perl-mail-authenticationresults 2.20231031-2 Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers 2024-12-10
any world perl-mail-box 3.009-2 Mail folder manager and MUA backend 2024-12-10
any world perl-mail-dkim 1.20240827-1 Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures 2024-12-10
any world perl-mail-message 3.016-1 container for MIME-encoded message information 2024-12-10
any world perl-mail-spf 3.20240827-1 Perl module that provides SPF support 2024-12-10
any world perl-mailtools 2.22-1 Various e-mail related modules 2024-12-16
any world perl-math-random-isaac 1.004-12 Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm 2024-12-10
any world perl-math-round 0.08-1 Perl extension for rounding numbers 2024-12-10
any world perl-mime-base32 1.303-11 Base32 encoder / decoder 2024-12-10
any world perl-mime-charset 1.013.1-4 Charset Information for MIME 2024-12-10
any world perl-mime-types 2.26-2 Perl/CPAN Module MIME::Types : Information and processing MIME types 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-build 0.4234-4 Build, test, and install Perl modules 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-build-tiny 0.051-1 A tiny replacement for Module::Build 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-build-xsutil 0.19-9 A Module::Build class for building XS modules 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-implementation 0.09-11 Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-install 1.21-4 Module::Install - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer 2024-12-10
any world perl-module-pluggable 6.2-1 automatically give your module the ability to have plugins 2024-12-16
any world perl-module-runtime 0.016-4 runtime module handling 2024-12-10

3645 matching packages found. Page 15 of 37.

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