3645 matching packages found. Page 14 of 37.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any world openntpd-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for openntpd 2024-12-10
any system openresolv 3.13.2-2 resolv.conf management framework (resolvconf) 2024-12-10
any galaxy openshot 3.3.0-2 An award-winning free and open-source video editor 2024-12-26
any world opensips-dinit 20230907-2 dinit service scripts for opensips 2024-12-10
any world opensips-openrc 20210505-1 opensips OpenRC init 2024-12-10
any world opensips-runit 20210407-2 Runit service script for opensips 2024-12-10
any world opensips-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for opensips 2024-12-10
any world opensmtpd-dinit 20211102-4 dinit service scripts for opensmtpd 2024-12-10
any world opensmtpd-openrc 20210505-1 opensmtpd OpenRC init 2024-12-10
any world opensmtpd-runit 20200425-3 Runit service script for opensmtpd 2024-12-10
any world opensmtpd-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for opensmtpd 2024-12-10
any system openssh-dinit 20230906-3 dinit service scripts for openssh 2024-12-10
any system openssh-openrc 20210505-1 OpenRC openssh init script 2024-12-10
any world openssh-runit 20180429-4 runit service scripts for openssh 2024-12-10
any system openssh-s6 20210919-1 s6-rc service scripts for openssh 2024-12-10
any world openvpn-dinit 20211030-4 dinit service scripts for openvpn 2024-12-10
any world openvpn-openrc 20210505-3 OpenRC openvpn init script 2024-12-10
any world openvpn-runit 20231208-1 runit service scripts for openvpn 2024-12-10
any world openvpn-s6 20210919-1 s6-rc service scripts for openvpn 2024-12-10
any world openvswitch-dinit 20240618-1 dinit service scripts for openvswitch 2024-12-10
any world orca 47.3-1 Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired 2025-01-06
any world osinfo-db 20240701-1 Osinfo database of information about operating systems for virtualization provisioning tools 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-aurulent-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Aurulent Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-codenewroman-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Code New Roman from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-comicshanns-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Comic Sans (Comic Shanns) from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-commit-mono-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Commit Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-droid-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Droid Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any world otf-fira-mono 2:3.206-4 Mozilla's monospace typeface designed for Firefox OS 2024-12-10
any world otf-fira-sans 1:4.301-2 Mozilla's sans-serif typeface designed for Firefox OS 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-firamono-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Fira (Fura) Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any world otf-font-awesome 6.7.2-1 Iconic font designed for Bootstrap 2024-12-21
any galaxy otf-geist-mono-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Geist Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-hasklig-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Hasklig (Hasklug) from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-hermit-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Hermit from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-monaspace-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Monaspace (Monaspice) from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-opendyslexic-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font OpenDyslexic from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any galaxy otf-overpass-nerd 3.3.0-1 Patched font Overpass from nerd fonts library 2024-12-10
any world oxygen-icons 1:6.1.0-2 The Oxygen Icon Theme 2024-12-10
any world oxygen-icons-svg 1:6.1.0-2 The Oxygen Icon Theme (Scalable Vector Graphics) 2024-12-10
any world oxygen-sounds 6.2.5-1 The Oxygen Sound Theme 2025-01-13
any galaxy pacifica-icon-theme 0.4.1-1.3 Pacifica icon theme by bokehlicia 2024-12-10
any system pambase 20230918-2 Base PAM configuration for services 2024-12-10
any galaxy paper-icon-theme 1.5.0-3 Paper is an open source desktop theme and icon project by Sam Hewitt 2024-12-10
any world papirus-icon-theme 20240501-1 Papirus icon theme 2024-12-10
any world parallel 20241222-1 A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel 2024-12-28
any world parallel-docs 20241222-1 A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel (documentation) 2024-12-28
any world pass 1.7.4-5 Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely 2024-12-10
any world pass-otp 1.2.0-3 A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens. 2024-12-10
any world passff-host 1:1.2.4-1 PassFF native messaging host application for Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Vivaldi 2024-12-10
any world pastebinit 1.5.1-2 Send anything you want directly to a pastebin from the command line 2024-12-10
any world pcsclite-dinit 20211102-4 dinit service scripts for pcsclite 2024-12-10
any world pcsclite-openrc 20210505-1 OpenRC pcsclite init script 2024-12-10
any world pcsclite-runit 20190202-4 Runit service script for pcsclite 2024-12-10
any world pcsclite-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for pcsclite 2024-12-10
any world pdfarranger 1.11.1-2 Helps merge or split PDF documents and rotate, crop and rearrange pages 2024-12-22
any world pdfjs 4.9.124-1 PDF reader in javascript 2024-12-10
any world pdnsd-dinit 20211102-4 dinit service scripts for pdnsd 2024-12-10
any world pdnsd-openrc 20210505-1 OpenRC pdnsd init script 2024-12-10
any world pdnsd-runit 20180314-4 Runit service script for pdnsd 2024-12-10
any world pdnsd-s6 20230829-1 s6-rc service scripts for pdnsd 2024-12-10
any world pegtl 3.2.7-2 Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library 2024-12-10
any world pelican 4.10.2-2 A tool to generate a static blog, with restructured text (or markdown) input files. 2024-12-22
any world perl-acme-alien-dontpanic 2.7200-4 Test Module for Alien::Base 2024-12-10
any world perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-6 Perl/CPAN Module Algorithm::Diff : Diff also Longest Common Subsequence 2024-12-10
any world perl-alien-base-modulebuild 1.17-4 A Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries 2024-12-10
any world perl-alien-build 2.84-1 Build external dependencies for use in CPAN 2024-12-16
any world perl-alien-build-plugin-download-gitlab 0.01-4 Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab 2024-12-10
any world perl-alien-cmake3 0.08-6 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better 2024-12-10
any world perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-4 Install the C libxml2 library on your system 2024-12-10
any world perl-appconfig 1.71-13 Perl/CPAN AppConfig module - Read configuration files and parse command line arguments 2024-12-10
any world perl-archive-cpio 0.10-10 module for manipulations of cpio archives 2024-12-10
any world perl-archive-extract 0.88-6 Generic archive extracting mechanism 2024-12-10
any world perl-archive-zip 1.68-10 Provide a perl interface to ZIP archive files 2024-12-10
any world perl-authen-sasl 2.1700-3 Perl/CPAN Module Authen::SASL : SASL authentication framework 2024-12-10
any world perl-b-hooks-endofscope 0.28-2 Execute code after a scope finished compilation 2024-12-10
any world perl-b-keywords 1.27-2 Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names 2024-12-10
any world perl-bytes-random-secure 0.29-13 Perl extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes. 2024-12-10
any world perl-cache-memcached 1.30-6 client library for memcached (memory cache daemon) 2024-12-10
any world perl-canary-stability 2013-8 CPAN/Canary-Stability - canary to check perl compatability for schmorp's modules 2024-12-10
any world perl-capture-tiny 0.50-1 Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs 2025-01-03
any world perl-cgi 4.66-2 Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses 2024-12-10
any world perl-class-inspector 1.36-8 Get information about a class and its structure 2024-12-10
any world perl-class-load 0.25-4 a working (require 'Class::Name') and more 2024-12-10
any world perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-4 provides Moose-like method modifiers 2024-12-10
any world perl-class-singleton 1.6-3 Implementation of a singleton class 2024-12-10
any world perl-class-tiny 1.008-6 Minimalist class construction 2024-12-10
any world perl-common-sense 3.75-8 Implements some sane defaults for Perl programs 2024-12-10
any world perl-config-autoconf 0.320-5 A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl. 2024-12-10
any world perl-config-tiny 2.30-1 Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible 2024-12-10
any world perl-cpan-changes 0.500004-1 Read and write Changes files 2024-12-10
any world perl-cpan-meta-check 0.018-4 Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object 2024-12-10
any world perl-cpan-meta-requirements 2.143-2 A set of version requirements for a CPAN dist 2024-12-10
any world perl-cpan-requirements-dynamic 0.001-2 Dynamic prerequisites in meta files 2024-12-10
any world perl-crypt-openssl-guess 0.15-5 Guess OpenSSL include path 2024-12-10
any world perl-crypt-random-seed 0.03-10 Provide strong randomness for seeding 2024-12-10
any world perl-crypt-random-tesha2 0.01-11 Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy, aka userspace voodoo entropy 2024-12-10
any world perl-cwd-guard 0.05-11 Temporary changing working directory (chdir) 2024-12-10
any world perl-data-dump 1.25-6 Pretty printing of data structures 2024-12-10
any world perl-data-munge 1:0.111-1 Various utility functions 2024-12-10
any world perl-data-optlist 0.114-4 Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs 2024-12-10

3645 matching packages found. Page 14 of 37.

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