any |
galaxy |
moksha-help |
0.0.2-1.5 |
Help for Moksha |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-menu |
1.0-3 |
Desktop menus for Moksha |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-arc |
0.3.1-1.18 |
Moksha Arc theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-arc-dark |
0.8.11-1 |
Moksha Arc Dark theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-arc-green |
0.5.0-15 |
Moksha Arc Green theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-blingbling | |
Moksha Bling theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-blueelectric |
0.5.17-1 |
Moksha Blue Electric theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-crema |
0.10.0-9 |
Moksha Crema theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-detour |
0.12.10-1 |
Moksha Detour theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-dimensions |
0.0.1-11 |
Moksha Dimensions theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-e17gtk |
0.2-1.1 |
Moksha E17gtk theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-forum | |
Moksha Forum theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-green |
1.17.9-1 |
Moksha Green theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-ice |
0.0.1-9 |
Moksha Ice theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-japan |
0.4.0-10 |
Moksha Japan theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-kl4k |
0.3.8-9 |
Moksha KL4K theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-moonlight |
0.11.0-10 |
Moksha Moonlight theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-passion |
2.6.17-1 |
Moksha Passion theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-pink |
0.3.6-8 |
Moksha Pink theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-radiance |
0.21.0-10 |
Moksha Radiance Grey theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-seven |
0.3.9-8 |
Moksha Seven theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-sunshine |
0.10.0-10 |
Moksha Sunshine theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-viceversa |
0.1.4-9 |
Moksha Vice Versa theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
moksha-theme-wood-grey |
0.1.0-8 |
Moksha Wood Grey theme |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
molecule |
25.3.1-1 |
Aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles |
2025-02-20 |
any |
world |
mopidy |
4.0.0a2-1 |
An extensible music server written in Python |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mopidy-dinit |
20211102-4 |
dinit service scripts for mopidy |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mopidy-openrc |
20210505-1 |
mopidy OpenRC init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mopidy-runit |
20200803-3 |
Runit service script for mopidy |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mopidy-s6 |
20230829-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for mopidy |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
motion-dinit |
20211102-4 |
dinit service scripts for motion |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
motion-openrc |
20210505-1 |
motion OpenRC init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
motion-runit |
20210407-2 |
Runit service script for motion |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
motion-s6 |
20230829-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for motion |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
mozo |
1.28.0-4 |
MATE menu editing tool |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
mpd-dinit |
20240610-1 |
dinit service scripts for mpd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
mpd-dinit-user |
20240610-1 |
dinit user service script for mpd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mpd-openrc |
20210505-2 |
mpd OpenRC init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mpd-runit |
20200613-3 |
runit service scripts for mpd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mpd-s6 |
20210919-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for mpd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
msgpack-cxx |
7.0.0-1 |
An efficient object serialization library for C++ |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
mugshot |
0.4.3-4 |
User Management Utility for Linux |
2025-02-27 |
any |
world |
mypaint-brushes1 |
1.3.1-2 |
Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint (v1.x) |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mypy |
1.14.0-1 |
Optional static typing for Python 2 and 3 (PEP484) |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
mythes-es |
1:2.9-1 |
Spanish thesaurus |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
namcap |
3.5.2-3 |
A Pacman package analyzer |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nanobind |
2.2.0-2 |
tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
neofetch |
7.1.0-2 |
A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
net-snmp-openrc |
20211001-1 |
net-snmp OpenRC init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
netsurf-buildsystem |
1.10-1 |
NetSurf build system |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
networkmanager-dinit |
20230912-2 |
dinit service scripts for networkmanager |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
networkmanager-openrc |
20210505-6 |
OpenRC networkmanager init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
networkmanager-runit |
20180226-3 |
runit service scripts for networkmanager |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
networkmanager-s6 |
20220523-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for networkmanager |
2025-02-18 |
any |
system |
nfs-utils-dinit |
20211030-3 |
dinit service scripts for nfs-utils |
2025-02-18 |
any |
system |
nfs-utils-openrc |
20210505-2 |
OpenRC nfs-utils init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nfs-utils-runit |
20200613-2 |
runit service scripts for nfs-utils |
2025-02-18 |
any |
system |
nfs-utils-s6 |
20230320-2 |
s6-rc service scripts for nfs-utils |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nftables-dinit |
20211030-4 |
dinit service script for nftables |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nftables-openrc |
20210505-2 |
OpenRC nftables init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nftables-runit |
20200417-2 |
Runit service script for nftables |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nftables-s6 |
20210919-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for nftables |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nginx-dinit |
20211030-4 |
dinit service scripts for nginx |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nginx-openrc |
20210505-2 |
OpenRC nginx init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nginx-runit |
20180226-4 |
runit service scripts for nginx |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nginx-s6 |
20210919-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for nginx |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nitrokey-udev-rules |
1.1.0-1 |
Udev rules for Nitrokey devices |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
nitrux-icon-theme |
3.5.4-1 |
New squared icon set for Linux that sports clean lines, smooth gradients, and simple icon logos |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nlohmann-json |
3.11.3-1 |
JSON for Modern C++ |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
node-gyp |
11.1.0-3 |
Node.js native addon build tool |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nodejs-nopt |
7.2.1-1 |
Node/npm Option Parsing library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nodejs-yaml |
2.2.2-1 |
JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
noto-fonts |
1:2025.03.01-1 |
Google Noto TTF fonts |
2025-03-02 |
any |
world |
noto-fonts-cjk |
20240730-1 |
Google Noto CJK fonts |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
noto-fonts-emoji |
1:2.047-1 |
Google Noto emoji fonts |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
noto-fonts-extra |
1:2025.03.01-1 |
Google Noto TTF fonts - additional variants |
2025-03-02 |
any |
world |
npm |
11.1.0-2 |
JavaScript package manager |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nsd-dinit |
20211102-4 |
dinit service scripts for nsd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nsd-openrc |
20210505-1 |
nsd OpenRC init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nsd-runit |
20200925-2 |
Runit service script for nsd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nsd-s6 |
20230829-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for nsd |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
ntp-dinit |
20211030-4 |
dinit service scripts for ntp |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
ntp-openrc |
20210505-2 |
OpenRC ntp init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
ntp-runit |
20210301-3 |
runit service scripts for ntp |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
ntp-s6 |
20210919-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for ntp |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nuget |
6.11.1-1 |
Package manager for .NET. |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nuklear |
4.12.0-1 |
Single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
numix-icon-theme |
1.0.1-1 |
Base icon theme from the Numix project |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nvchecker |
2.16-3 |
New version checker for software releases |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nvidia-utils-dinit |
20211030-4 |
dinit service scripts for nvidia-utils |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nvidia-utils-openrc |
20210505-2 |
OpenRC nvidia persistence daemon init script |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
nvidia-utils-s6 |
20240813-1 |
s6-rc service scripts for nvidia-utils |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
nvm |
0.39.3-1 |
Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
ocean-sound-theme |
6.3.2-1 |
Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma |
2025-03-03 |
any |
galaxy |
ofono-openrc |
20210119-1 |
Infrastructure for building mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications support for OpenRC Init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
ofono-runit |
20210119-1 |
Infrastructure for building mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications support for Runit Init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
ofono-s6 |
20210119-1 |
Infrastructure for building mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications support for s6 Init |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
onioncircuits |
0.7+2+g4c620c7-1 |
GTK application to display Tor circuits and streams |
2025-02-18 |
any |
galaxy |
onionshare |
2.6.2-5 |
Share a file over Tor Hidden Services anonymously and securely |
2025-02-18 |
any |
world |
opencl-clhpp |
2024.10.24-1 |
OpenCL C++ header files |
2025-02-18 |