Group Details - kf5 (x86_64)

66 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 World attica5 5.116.0-1 Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API 2024-12-10
x86_64 World bluez-qt5 5.116.0-1 Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API 2024-12-10
x86_64 World frameworkintegration5 5.116.0-1 Framework providing components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kactivities-stats5 5.116.0-1 A library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kactivities5 5.116.0-1 Core components for KDE Activities 2024-12-10
x86_64 World karchive5 5.116.0-1 Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kauth5 5.116.0-1 Abstraction to system policy and authentication features 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kbookmarks5 5.116.0-1 Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcalendarcore5 5.116.0-1 The KDE calendar access library 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcmutils5 5.116.0-1 Utilities for interacting with KCModules 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcodecs5 5.116.0-1 Provide a collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcompletion5 5.116.0-1 Text completion helpers and widgets 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kconfig5 5.116.0-1 Configuration system 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1 Widgets for KConfig 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcontacts5 5.116.0-1 Address book API for KDE 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1 Addons to QtCore 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kcrash5 5.116.0-1 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1 Addons to QtDBus 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kdeclarative5 5.116.0-1 Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kded5 5.116.0-1 Extensible deamon for providing system level services 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kdesu5 5.116.0-1 Integration with su for elevated privileges 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kdnssd5 5.116.0-1 Abstraction to system DNSSD features 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kdoctools5 5.116.0-1 Documentation generation from docbook 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kemoticons 5.116.0-1 Support for emoticons and emoticons themes 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kfilemetadata5 5.116.0-2 A library for extracting file metadata 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1 Add support for global workspace shortcuts 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1 Addons to QtGui 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kholidays5 1:5.116.0-1 KDE library for regional holiday information 2024-12-10
x86_64 World ki18n5 5.116.0-1 Advanced internationalization framework 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1 Support for icon themes 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kidletime5 5.116.0-1 Monitoring user activity 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kimageformats5 5.116.0-3 Image format plugins for Qt5 2025-01-14
x86_64 World kinit 5.116.0-1 Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kio5 5.116.0-1 Resource and network access abstraction 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kirigami2 5.116.0-1 A QtQuick based components set 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kitemmodels5 5.116.0-1 Models for Qt Model/View system 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kitemviews5 5.116.0-1 Widget addons for Qt Model/View 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kjobwidgets5 5.116.0-1 Widgets for tracking KJob instances 2024-12-10
x86_64 World knewstuff5 5.116.0-3 Support for downloading application assets from the network 2025-01-14
x86_64 World knotifications5 5.116.0-1 Abstraction for system notifications 2024-12-10
x86_64 World knotifyconfig5 5.116.0-1 Configuration system for KNotify 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kpackage5 5.116.0-1 Framework that lets applications manage user installable packages of non-binary assets 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kparts5 5.116.0-1 Document centric plugin system 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kpeople5 5.116.0-1 A library that provides access to all contacts and the people who hold them 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kplotting5 5.116.0-1 Lightweight plotting framework 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kpty5 5.116.0-1 Pty abstraction 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kservice5 5.116.0-1 Advanced plugin and service introspection 2024-12-10
x86_64 World ktexteditor5 5.116.0-1 Advanced embeddable text editor 2024-12-10
x86_64 World ktextwidgets5 5.116.0-1 Advanced text editing widgets 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kunitconversion5 5.116.0-1 Support for unit conversion 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kwallet5 5.116.0-1 Secure and unified container for user passwords 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kwayland5 5.116.0-1 Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1 Addons to QtWidgets 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1 Access to the windowing system 2024-12-10
x86_64 World kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1 User configurable main windows 2024-12-10
x86_64 World modemmanager-qt5 5.116.0-1 Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API 2024-12-10
x86_64 World networkmanager-qt5 5.116.0-1 Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API 2024-12-10
x86_64 World plasma-framework5 5.116.0-1 Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5 2024-12-10
x86_64 World prison5 5.116.0-1 A barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes 2024-12-10
x86_64 World purpose5 5.116.0-1 Framework for providing abstractions to get the developers purposes fulfilled 2024-12-10
x86_64 World qqc2-desktop-style5 5.116.1-1 A style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme 2024-12-10
x86_64 World solid5 5.116.0-1 Hardware integration and detection 2024-12-10
x86_64 World sonnet5 5.116.0-1 Spelling framework for Qt5 2024-12-10
x86_64 World syndication5 5.116.0-1 RSS/Atom parser library 2024-12-10
x86_64 World syntax-highlighting5 5.116.0-1 Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code 2024-12-10
x86_64 World threadweaver5 5.116.0-1 High-level multithreading framework 2024-12-10